Sacred 2:Variatio delectat- The different Astral Lord, designed for a handicapped person in teamplay

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Variatio delectat- The different Astral Lord, designed for a handicapped person in teamplay

By chattius


This character was designed for a handicapped boy who plays sacred with my second daughter at the local youth club. He lacks a bit on fine motoric moves and eye to hand coordination. So the idea was to roleplay a warlock who died and was resurrected by his wife, a voodoo priestess. The idea was to teamplay and use auto-targetting combat arts if possible. My daughter played a totem build with alchemy to unlock bargaining. She had time for bargaining when the boy had to rest for a bit. So the planed teamplay was to use skeletal fortifications and totems to spam an area with a hail of arrows. The shadow warrior gives some team protection from his buff while the dryad does party healing while the totem cooldown is active. The character had to be done in a way that even at level 150 on niob there would be still some fun in trying out freshly modified combat arts. On the other side he had to be quite robust, because running away would not always work because of the illness of the player. Playing invisible is not nice in teamplay as is having too much skeletons which may block the movement of the characters.

The skills and combat art modifications CODE Lev Mod Arm MCF ALL ALF CNC DWF Shi CDI AMg Con ..5 2 1 5 1 ..8 4 1 8 5 1 .12 6 1 9 12 2 1 .18 11 1 9 18 6 1 9 .25 12 1 9 25 21 1 9 1 .35 12 1 9 35 35 1 9 17 1 .50 12 1 9 50 50 1 9 48 1 1 .65 15 1 9 65 65 1 9 65 1 29 1 .75 19 1 9 75 75 1 9 75 1 49 1 .90 19 50 9 75 75 1 9 75 1 75 1 100 19 75 9 75 75 1 9 75 26 75 1

Lev-Level, Mod number of modifications(see list below), Arm Armour Lore, MCF Malevolent Champion Focus, ALL Astral Lord Lore, ALF Astral Lord Focus, CNC concentration, DWF Death Warrior Focus, Shi Shield lore, CDi Combat discipline, AMg Ancient Magic, Con constitution

Reflective Emanation: tough(1), antimagic(2), idol(3) Skeletal Fortification: focus(4), arcane power(5), scatter shot(6) Grim Resilience: fortify(7), readiness(8), reflex(9) Spectral Hand: swiftness(10), chill(11), double attack(12) Rallied Souls: armament(13), vivification(14), contagion (15) Shadow Veil: avoidance(16), nimble(17), shadowmaster(18) Nether Allegiance: sharp blades(19)


All in intelligence


skeleton fortification, (rallied souls), spectral hand


The RpH (regeneration per hit) is at 6 seconds and recharges the combination except the cooldown. When the cooldown ist still active (unmodified) frenzied rampage is used with a x% lifeleech shuriken.

Which damage can the skeleton fortification do?

Skeleton fortification does 5900 damage (without acute mind from the dryad) at level 100 and Combat Art level 50. It has a cooldown of 6 seconds and does 9 doubleshots in 10 seconds (jumped from 8 to 9 at Combat Art level 50). So the theoretical rate of fire at full areas is at 3 towers , 9 double shots in 10 seconds: 3*9*2 in 10 seconds = 5.4 shots a second. You have 4 seconds per tower creation you can fill with other combat arts. At a Combat Art level of 100 it should be a cooldown of 4.3 seconds (4 active) and 1 double shot per second so rate of fire should be 8 shots per second. Ancient magic and combat discipline add to the damage of the fortification and both are at mastery at level 110.

Originally published at DarkMattersfor review and discussion.

See Also