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Revision as of 20:02, 8 September 2009

US and CZ versions of Sacred 2 are sold with a version of 2.12.2.


Patch Notes

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel update 2.10.0

1. The performance has been significantly optimized. 2. The game balancing, and the AI has been enhanced. 3. The Drop rate of opponents has been improved (higher probability to Drop) 4. An auto-update tool is now available. 5. Several bugs have been fixed in the lobby area 6. The quest system was significantly improved(dialogues and Quest texts optimized). 7. The performance of the Main Menu has been improved. 8. When pressed the Alt key will now show the name of dropped items and all NPC and character names. 9. The Quick Save feature has been optimized! Characters are saved when you press the F9 key. 10. When the F12 key is pressed the player will be transported to the location of the last activated Monolith. 11. The sound FX is optimized. 12. The game now uses the medium settings as default. 13. The quest log now has a better overview. 14. When you mouseover the life bar of an NPC companion, the associated quest's title will be displayed on the NPC's health bar. 15. The side quest compass remains fixed now, even if new side-quests are accepted. 16. The number of escort quests is now limited to 5 per character. 17. The strength of the Boss and Elite opponents has been somewhat reduced. 18. The combat animations of the heroes have been further optimized. 19. Many more set and unique items were added. 20. Prices have been generally adjusted. The prices for mounts have been reduced. 21. The prices for forged weapons and ingredients have been reduced. 22. In cities and towns attacks are no longer possible (safe zone). 23. A hardware cursor has been inserted. 24. Other various bug fixes have been made. 25. Closed Net Server 3> 6 Slots