Sacred 2:Terms of Admission
Quick Walkthrough
1. Talk to Seraphim Pistachia
2. Kill the felon
3. Talk to Seraphim Pistachia
Detailed Walkthrough
As you approach the next Soulstone in your exploration of the Crystal Planes, a Seraphim approaches you and asks if you would be willing to undertake a quest on her behalf?
The Seraphim Pistachia (Pistachia??? Where do they get these names from?) wants to join the Hunters Guild and be a great hunter, but is too soft hearted to kill this beast. What a wimp! Ahem, I mean ..... it is obviously a task unsuited to a lady of such delicate character and as a hero you are duty bound to strike down this foul beast and spare her from such an unpleasant task!
Following in this nutty little girl's footsteps, you stalk the beast across the icy plains (Oh come on, is so close you almost trip over it!), walk up to it taking note of its beautiful, luxurient fur and the delicate grace with which it glides across the ground towards you. You gaze into it's beautiful, intelligent eyes, then splatt it with your 2 handed hammer and drag its mangled carcass back to the Seraphim nutjob by the tail.
As you wander off counting your gold, you can't help wondering how long it will be before the newest Seraphim Huntress finds something that she can't outrun? Oh well, the monsters have to eat something.