Sacred 2:Screenshots
Screenshots of the week from the Sacred International Forum
[b]From February 27th, High Elf and her horse[/b]
[b]From March 5th, a great pic of the Shadow Warrior in a swamp[/b]
[b]From March 12th, the Seraphim and the spiders[/b]
[b]From March 19th, Shadow Warrior studying a dungeon[/b]
[b]From March 26th, High Elf Explores a graveyard[/b]
[b]From April 2nd, Dungeon denizens are no match for the Shadow Warrior[/b]
[b]From April 9th, The Seraphim struts her buff...[/b]
[b]From April 16th, The High Elf in the Swamp Camp[/b]
[b]From April 23rd, The Seraphim on her Tiger fighting off enemies[/b]
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