Sacred 2:Tokens
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This is a list of the tokens found in the \Sacred 2\scripts\shared\spells.txt file. In that file there are entries for all the Combat Arts in Sacred 2.
The values x and y are used in this list, where x is the second value and y the third from each entry. An example would be:
entry2 = {"et_baseAW", 200, 250, 0, 5 },
Here you have x = 200, y = 250.
Also the following abbreviation are used in this list:
- calvl = Combat Art level
- du = distance units (1 du = 0.0056m to 0.0057m)
Most the percent values should also be percentage points, as:
- 50 percent + 50 percent = 75 percent (50 percent from 50 percent).
- 50 percent + 50 percentage points = 100 percent.
For more help on this page read the forum.
et_addAttackspeed (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to attack and CA speed et_addattr_intelligence (x+y*calvl)/10 added to intelligence et_addattr_willpower willenstaerke, handauflegen et_addCastspeed eifer, feuerdaemon et_addskill_distancewpn (x+y*calvl)/10 added to distance weapon skills et_addwalkspeed (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to movement speed et_addWeaponspeed (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to attack speed et_armor_any_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to armor et_attackspeed_limit (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to max attack speed et_AW_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to attack value et_AWboost_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to attack value et_AWVW_rel standarte et_banish_spells bannkreis et_base_armor_phy (x+y*calvl)/10 added to physical armor et_base_armor_poi (x+y*calvl)/10 added to poison armor et_baseAW (x+y*calvl)/10 added to attack value et_baseAW_timed (x+y*calvl)/10 added to attack value et_baseVW (x+y*calvl)/10 added to defense value et_baseVW_timed (x+y*calvl)/10 added to defense value et_boost_to_buff doppelgaenger, geistform, kampfaura et_call_target bekehrung, pranger et_CC_AWboost_rel kampfaura et_chance_areasplash (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance that you deal damage to near enemies et_chance_bleeding (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of phsycal dot et_chance_block_missile feuerhaut, schockpulse et_chance_block_root befluegeln, nebelform et_chance_block_spell notschild, bannkreis, wirbeln et_chance_break_root (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of breaking roots et_chance_burning (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of fire dot et_chance_bypass_armor (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of bypassing armor et_chance_chain_nr (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance that the CA hits an additional target et_chance_criticalhit (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of critical hit et_chance_debuff_root (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of rooting an enemy et_chance_deepwound (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of inflicting a deep wound et_chance_disarm (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of disarming the enemy et_chance_doublehit (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of a double hit et_chance_electrify (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of magic dot et_chance_evade (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of evading et_chance_fear (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance that enemies flee et_chance_fear_aura entsetzen et_chance_knockback (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of knockback et_chance_loot schaendung et_chance_mutate mutieren et_chance_piercing (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance that the projectile pierces the target et_chance_reflect_CC kampfhaltung, vergeltung, feuerhaut, umlenkung, rindenhaut, kampfaura, schock et_chance_reflect_missile notschild, energieschild, vergeltung, umlenkung et_chance_reflect_root umlenkung et_chance_reflect_spell energieschild, vergeltung, kristallhaut, umlenkung, tkampfschild et_chance_reflect_stun umlenkung et_chance_stun (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of stunning et_chance_surehit (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of a sure hit et_charge_attackspeed kampfrausch et_charge_AW_rel kampfrausch et_closedown_buff verderbensfluch, archimedesstrahl et_cone_adapt feuersturm et_convert_chance (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance to convert an enemy, each 100% is one sure conversion (guess) et_cost_thisSpell (x+y*calvl)/10 percent faster reg time et_damage_any_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to all damage et_damage_areasplash harterschlag et_damage_fire_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to fire damage et_damage_ice_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to ice damage et_damage_magic_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to magic damage et_damage_weapon_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to all weapon based damage et_damping_any notschild, kasteiung, tkampfschild et_damping_any_st (x+y*calvl)/10 percent damage reduced et_damping_fir (x+y*calvl)/10 percent fire damage reduced et_damping_ice (x+y*calvl)/10 percent ice damage reduced et_damping_phy (x+y*calvl)/10 percent physical damage reduced et_damping_teamshare vergeltung et_deathblow double damage, if enemy has less than or equal to (x+y*calvl)/10 percent of max hp et_debuff_armor_phy schlaghagel, seelenhammer, pranger, entsetzen, verderbensfluch et_debuff_attackspeed 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000 percent reduced attackspeed of enemies et_debuff_EAW blitz, lichtsaeule, schockwelle, entsetzen, frostschlag, schneesturm, standarte et_debuff_EVW schlaghagel, lichtaura, pranger, sprung et_debuff_movespeed 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000 percent reduced movespeed of enemies et_debuff_movespeed_st wirbelsprung, sprung et_debuff_prone_fir gluthitze et_debuff_prone_ice kristallhaut, eiseskaelte et_debuff_reduce_armor harterschlag et_debuff_stats 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000 percent reduced attributes of enemies et_dist_attackspeed (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to distance attack speed et_dist_AW_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to distance attack value et_dotdam_TC_mag energieblitz et_dotdamage_fire feuersturm et_dotdamage_ice seelenraub, frostschlag et_dotdamage_magic blitz, faecherblitz et_dotdamage_physical machtsog et_dotdamage_poison schaendung et_double_inqui doppelgaenger et_double_power doppelgaenger et_drop_a_head quaelen, krankheit, verderbensfluch et_duration_sec (x+y*calvl)/100 seconds duration for the combat art or effects from the combat art et_energy_leech_once hinrichtung, seelenraub, schock et_energy_leech_whit magischerschlag et_essence_debuff_stats verderbensfluch et_essence_spelldam_phy totem et_essence_spelldam_poi totem et_evade_detection (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance to evade detection et_exp_rel standarte et_friendfactor kampfhaltung, heilen, kampfruf, umlenkung, wirbeln, handauflegen, kampfaura et_hits_persec (x+y*calvl)/1000 hits per second et_hurl_enemy (x+y*calvl)/10 percent of CA damage done to colliding enemies et_invisible x+y*calvl "verstohlenheit" (german word, please look up from sw ghost form) et_is_buff x = 1000 => is buff et_item_chance_piercing (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance that the attacks with the item will pierce targets et_item_chance_surehit (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance of a sure hit with the item et_itemdam_phy beeeffgee et_jumpdistance x+y*calvl du jumping distance et_life_buff willensstaerke et_life_heal_hp (x+y*calvl)/10 hp healed et_life_heal_rel bekehrung, schaendung, teleport, schock et_life_heal_rel_exit versklavung et_life_heal_rel_st seelenfaenger, rammstoss, sprint et_life_leech verstuemmelung, hinrichtung, faecherblitz, magischerschlag, harterschlag, attacke, schock et_life_regen (x+y*calvl)/10 hp/s healed et_lightrange lichtaura et_maxangle_cone x+y*calvl degree from player area of effect et_minion_addreg kohorte et_minion_armor_all kampfbefehl, zombie et_minion_attackspeed versklavung, zombie et_minion_attackspeed_timed bekehrung et_minion_AWVW_rel doppelgaenger et_minion_blame versklavung et_minion_infect kampfbefehl et_minion_lifetime (x+y*calvl)/100 seconds minion lifetime et_minion_raise kampfbefehl et_minion_replenish doppelgaenger, feuerdaemon, kohorte et_minion_wdam_phy kampfbefehl, zombie et_missile_adapt schwertfeuer, schockwelle, feuerball, eissplitter et_missile_count meteor, unterstuetzung, konzentrierterangriff, angriffsserie, bodenspiesse et_mult_weapondamage (x+y*calvl)/1000 is the damage multiplier et_physical_to_best 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/10) percent of physical damage converted to least resisted damage et_physical_to_fire 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/10) percent of physical damage converted to fire damage et_physical_to_magic 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/10) percent of physical damage converted to magic damage et_physical_to_poison 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/10) percent of physical damage converted to poison damage et_plague_infect krankheit et_plague_poison (x+y*calvl)/10 percent per second life lost of enemies et_pull_range_rel lichtsaeule et_push_distance enmies are pushed x+y*calvl du away et_quicken_boost (x+y*calvl)/10 percent faster spreading speed et_range_area x+y*calvl du area of effect et_range_distance x+y*calvl du maximal distance et_range_minimum 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000) percent reduced space between thorns et_range_near vergeltung et_reduce_debuffs heilen, feuerdaemon, regenerationskraft, bannkreis, geistform, wacherverstand et_reduce_Ereflect projektilfokus et_reduce_evade kampfarm et_regAnyAspect 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000) percent reduced reg time et_regAspect_inferno 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000) percent reduced reg time the inferno aspect et_regAspect_storm 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000) percent reduced reg time the storm aspect et_regAspect_this 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000) percent reduced reg time in this aspect et_regThisBuff kampfhaltung, energieschild, beeeffgee, feuerdaemon, willensstaerke et_regThisCool befluegeln, bekehren, notschild, teleport, rammstoss, geistform, unterstuetzung, sprint et_self_prone_fir (x+y*calvl)/10 percent more damage taken from fire et_shield_regen tkampfschild et_shieldblock energieschild, tkampfschild et_shieldfactor (x+y*calvl)/10 percent enery shield absorbtion et_shieldstrength energieschild, tkampfschild et_shieldstrength_timed notschild et_shrink_a_head projektilfokus, zombie et_singlecharge befreiungsschlag et_slow_enemy_any 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000) percent reduced speed of enemies et_soul_AW_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to attack value per soul et_soul_collect_time (x+y*calvl)/100 seconds lifetime of a soul et_soul_explosion seelenraub et_soul_life_regen seelenfaenger et_soul_regAnyAspect 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/1000) percent reduced reg time while you have a soul et_soul_VW_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to defensive value per soul et_spell_intensity_rel kristallhaut et_spelldam_TC_fir lichtaura, bannkreis et_spelldam_UD_mag lichtaura, bannkreis et_spelldamage_fire \ et_spelldamage_ice | et_spelldamage_magic |> in all damaging spells et_spelldamage_physical | et_spelldamage_poison / et_summon_armor kohorte et_summon_item x/1000 percent chance to summon item y et_summon_level beeeffgee, doppelgaenger, feuerdaemon, kohorte, zombie et_summon_longsword kohorte et_summon_shrinkminion zombie et_summon_soldier summon x/1000 times creature y et_summon_towershield kohorte et_supercharge x+y*calvl percent charged per hit et_target_seeker (x+y*calvl)/10 percent chance that projectile seeks target et_teleport_2sec teleport duration is 2/(x+y*calvl) seconds et_ThisSpeed geisterhand, geistform et_VWboost_rel (x+y*calvl)/10 percent added to defense value et_weapondamage_fire verstuemmelung et_weapondamage_ice geisterhand et_weapondamage_poison pranger, harterschlag, attacke et_wounded_rage (x+y*calvl)/10 percent increased damage when wounded (see below) et_wounded_rage_ut todesspiesse et_wounded_thold if hp is lesser or equal (x+y*calvl)/10 percent of max hp, et_wounded_rage does max damage