Sacred 2:Assorted Eggs

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This page is dedicated to bits and bytes of easter egg quality facts and factoids in Sacred 2, but there isn't a whole lot of information or pictures to merit a full page of it's own.

Easter Egg Taunts with the Inquisitor

Shang Tsung

  • "YOUR SOUL BELONGS TO ME!" - Or, as Shang Tsung said in the Mortal Kombat movie... "Your soul is mine! .... FINISH HIM!"

The Inquisitor Likes Elvis

- "BRING ELVIS BACK T-ENERGY, NOT PUTRESCENCE SUCH AS THIS!" - This is one of the 4 taunts he uses against T-Energy mutants; it always gives me a good laugh

Capcom's Blue Bomber

"I liked the BLUE version of you better." - This is one of the 11 taunts the Inquisitor uses against enemy Temple Guardians. I'm pretty sure it's a continuation of the running gag about the Temple Guardian being similar to Mega Man.

The Inquisitor Likes Killing off Tech Support...

  • "Get customer service while you're at it!" - Another one of the 11 taunts that the Inquisitor uses against enemy Temple Guardians.

Rene Descartes

  • "As I think, I exist..." - The Inquisitor sometimes quotes Descartes when you leave him idle long enough.

The Inquisitor Makes Fun of....

  • ["Taking a break... MAYBE I'LL BE ABLE TO SELL A FEW COPIES OF THE WATCHTOWER WHILE YOU ARE GONE! "] - not exact, but when you leave the Inquisitor idle, he will sometimes make fun of Jehova's Witnesses ("The Watch Tower" is the Jehova's Witness magazine/news letter)

A Wooden Bike in the Jungle...?

The title says it all. There's a wooden bike on the road leading to Na'Fian.

See Also