Sacred 2:Patch 2.12.0
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This patch is obsolete. Use Patch 2.40.0 on a fresh install of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel.
This update includes the following changes :
* Some players suffered lags while clicking on NPC’s and objects since hotfix 2. This has been fixed. * Under specific circumstances it could happen that a savegame overwrote another character. This has been fixed. * Sometimes players were not able to join servers, and getting the message that there was a version conflict incorrectly. This has been fixed. * It is now possible to use the character slots [8] and above in closedNet Lobby. * Some cases, in which quests that require a certain amount of collected items didn’t grant enough items have been improved. * The function of [f12] has been improved. [f12] now teleports the character to the resurrection point. This works for both singleplayer and multiplayer. * Quests, in which a certain amount of items must be collected, sometimes didn’t grant enough items to be collected. This has been fixed. * The sidequest arrow does not point to completed sidequests anymore. * The removal of the fog of war has been improved. * In multiplayer campaign servers it was possible that the progress of the server was interfered with by clients who accomplished sidequests. This has been fixed. * Corpses no longer block projectiles. * Mounts sometimes lost XP after exit/load. This has been fixed. * An occasional problem with sounds on the 5.1-subwoofer-channel has been fixed. * An exploit with hero statues has been closed. * An exploit with which the smith could be used to duplicate items has been closed. * An exploit with which the buddy list could be used to duplicate items has been closed. * A redundant window concerning the connection to the chat server has been removed. * Hotfix 3 introduces an auto-updater that will facilitate future updates. * Hotfix 3 can be downloaded via the homepage manually or by executing the “sacred2updater.exe” located in the root-folder of the game.