Sacred 2:Crystals No More...
Quick Walkthrough
1. Talk to the Old Man
2. Collect 25 Large Crystals
3. Collect 15 Small Crystals
4. Talk to the Old Man again
Detailed Walkthrough
As you wander further into the Crystal Plains in your quest for adventure, you find an old man who is looking rather distressed.
Now surely this quest should be pretty easy, after all how hard can it be to pick up some building material and carry it back? You have just fought your way through loads of Yetis and Lupans, so what is there to be afraid of here?
Doh! Why did I have to ask that stupid question?
I'll tell you what there is to be afraid of here. Loads of Saxenor who are obviously some sort of crystal elementals, hordes of Felons who must be the local equivalent of wolves, Ursaron who look like a cross between a Polar Bear and a giant Boar and as if that is not enough there Dracolin which are some type of winged snake as well.
I HATE SNAKES!...die beast (thud!)....horrible (slash) wriggly creatures .....(whack)....give me .... the .....(smack)...creeps!...."Bleeping" .....SNAKES!...(SPLATT!!!)
Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea for you, but I am starting to have second thoughts. There aren't any snakes in the cold northern lands they said. The lying ........ ratbags!
Logbook Entry
This is a nice straightforward quest where the quest marker guides you to each individual crystal, so finding them is not a problem and since you have to fight your way through hordes of creatures wherever you go, the Experience you pick up are pretty good as well!