Sacred 2:Don't Trust Statistics 1
Quick Walkthrough
1. Talk to Seraphim Lucretia
2. Go collect the hunting lists
3. Return to Seraphim Lucretia
Detailed Walkthrough
On the left-hand side of the path, stands a Seraphim who calls to you.
What the heck is it with these Seraphims? This poor old girl is over 800 years old and the last one was only a sprightly 500 or so. I thought that they were meant to be the "Mighty Defenders of the Light", not a club for senile geriatrics?. Oh well, the quest compass points right to the lists, so I might as well pick them up for her.
Of course they couldn't all be in the same place could they? (mutter, mutter) They just had to make me walk that little bit further, didn't they. They have no consideration do they, you should see the size of my blisters.
Is that it? Thank you very much and "bleep-all" experience? (mutter, mutter) "Bleeping" miserly seraphim.
Logbook Entry
Another straightforward quest, just follow the quest compass and kill whatever gets in your way.