Sacred:Upper Underworld Region
Region Parameters
- Pirate Island
- Hatchet Crab Island
- Volcano Island
- N'Aguali
- Dwarven Ruins
- Ecotopia
- Dryad Forest
- Hell's Ridge
- Shaddar-Sub
- Purgatori
- Fungi Hillock
- Garema
- Embalmed Forest
- Alkazaba noc Draco (only the last lava plain, past the dragon)
Enemies to Defeat
- 6,501 / 7,500
Boss Spawn Location
- Dryad Forest, the green plain just above the bridge leading from the Dwarven Ruins to the Fungi Hillock
- D'Cay, Lady of the Orcus
- Skeleton Mage
- Nuk-Nuk Champion x2