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Below are the descriptions of each enemy type found in Sacred Underworld. Clicking the header button of an enemy type will take you to a new page on SacredWiki with greater information.


The animals of the forest define Ancaria's fauna. There are deer and stags and only nobles and their gamekeepers are allowed to hunt them. Several types of bear and wild boar are also at home in these lands. These animals, along with most types of wolves, are usually less aggressive than people are led to believe. Only the Wargh-Wolves are dangerous and aggressive as they derive from the Dark Elven breeding kennels of Mhurag-Nar. Their aggression is similar to that of rabid wolves and even the usually timid forest wolves of Ancaria will adopt this aggression when the Wargh infest them.


The common demon is a being which does not derive from our plane of existence. Demons exist on all four of the elemental levels but the most familiar among them are those coming from the flames of hell. Little is known about these creatures. Apparently, they have auras which enable them to bring part of their demonic level into this dimension in order to link the two dimensions together. There are even assumptions that the word demon does not derive from "Daemoncius" but rather from the change of dimensions and therefore dates back to the ancient Ancarellian "Dimen-Zion". Attempts to conjure demons are rarely successful because dragging them from their dimensions usually ends in violent reactions. There are recommendations for establishing binding areas using pentagrams or hexagrams while attempting to conjure a demon. You can find more literature concerning this subject: Shaddar "The Gods Erred! Introduction to the Conjuration of Lesser Demons"; from the same author "Sakkara-Dimen-Zion " The leading Fire Devils of Hell: An Analysis of Experimental Possibilities" and "Further Errors of the Ancient Gods".


Dragons are magnificent in their splendor. Among the largest of the native life of Ancaria, they are also among the most feared. Merely a touch of their breath is sufficient to incinerate many of their enemies – humans and elves and all of their ilk being numbered therein. The dragon prefers to slaughter in close combat, using his powerful claws to quickly sunder flesh from bone. It is never safe by a dragon's side. But keeping a distance is not safety either – for the dragon swiftly turns and expels a noxious mix of fermented gases that quickly ignites into gargantuan flames when mixed with the surrounding air – consuming the unwary in a fiery inferno. Stay back a bit more, you suggest. Nay, stay back much further, I say. For dancing just outside the dragons breath may be the most dangerous of all. It appears that through their close proximity to evil sorcerers of the past, dragons have acquired some magical skills as well. With a mere shake of her head, little more than a nod, she will cast down a hail of fiery meteors from the heavens, obliterating those that taunt her. And yet, not all dragons are the enemy of humankind. Loromir of Drakenden has proven a boon. An analysis of dragon eggs and Seraphim blood showed that both inherit signs of having been present since the Ancient Gods of Creation, and thus are even older than the Elves. So far, there have been reports of three dragons in Ancaria. Loromir of Drakenden instructs Valorian knights near the enclave of the magicians. There are rumors that the people of Alkazaba noc Draco serve a dragon which is guarding a mystical treasure. Latest observations claim that there is an especially fierce and powerful monster in the forests west of Mascarell. There are rumors that the necromancer Shaddar turned a dieing dragon into an undead creature.


The race of Dryads uses a mix of melee and magic while protecting their home in the Embalmed Forest. They are comprised of Druids, ranged female archers and strong melee combatants. Druids are powerful magicians and they employ nature magic as well as some elemental magic. They are able to cast Tendrils and Plant Cage just as well as Water Form or Whirlwind. The only element they fear is fire because they have no resistance against it and no counter spells. The druid is able to summon Will o’ the Wisps. The female ranged archers sometimes referred to as "amazons", are skillful archers and they possess the attacking abilities of the Wood Elves. They are able to fire Blade Arrows or Multiple Shots in multiplayer mode. Hard Shot is also one of their abilities. A variation of the Amazon is the javelin thrower, who is capable of close combat assaults and can perform a Hard Hit attack.


The Dark Elves of Zhurag-Nar are infamous for their merciless efficiency in finding and neutralizing their enemies. They are organized in a strict matriarchy and only female Dark Elves may employ magic. The male fighters, however, are merely pawns in their fight to conquer Ancaria. Their exclusion from the powers of magic bestowed upon the male Dark Elves the inherent ability to resist magic and even to control and deflect it back onto the caster. Instead of using magic, they rely on poison which they acquire from the numerous giant spiders of Zhurag-Nar. They also count on their Wargh-Wolves since their fangs are also dripping with poison and were strengthened by spells of the female priestesses.


Ghosts are entities whose souls are unable to find peace after their death. This can happen because of evil souls or because the demise was caused prematurely by unfortunate circumstances. However, it has been proven that ghosts are bound to their spiritual existence by emotions such as hatred, fury or even love and concern. It is said that such a restless ghost will finally find peace when the emotional tie is undone by solving an open task. However, it is allegedly possible to destroy the ghost form temporarily and it is rumored that it takes decades, if not centuries before the ghosts are able to take shape again. The Lich is an especially evil form of undead creature. A Lich is a mighty sorcerer who took preparations before their death to turn the body into negative, magical energy and to preserve the spirit at the same time. These creatures are the masters of all undead, and they have the ability to suck life through their energistic form. Their goal is the accumulation of power. Therefore, as a Lich grows older, they very often become mightier sorcerers than their living counterparts. Only the strongest magic would be able to destroy these creatures. A Lich also creates its servants from the corpses of its enemies. With such an army available, it is not surprising that more than 78 sorcerers died in Mystdale Castle alone whilst trying to stop a Lich, created by the Necromancer Shaddar. Let it be known that Shaddar was banished from the enclave for this act of blood.


The origin of the goblinoids, such as orcs, goblins and ogres is unknown. There are speculations that they stem from early tribes of humans and dwarves mingling with each other. The ogres are a variation bred from the enslaved orcs of Mhurag-Nar during the occupation of the Dark Elven empire. Similarities between the Dark Elven ?Nar? and the Orcish ?Nur?, both expressions for strongholds, appear to date back to this era of slavery. The heritage of the goblins seems to be even older. These creatures are not truly evil, but rather chaotic. There are speculations here that the orcs evolved from a variation of goblins, which had to develop aggressive behavior patterns in the harsh and hostile environments they used to live in. The rare imps are another derivation from the goblins. They are well known for causing trouble and they always like to join the superior side, hoping to find protection. Therefore, they are frequently found as familiars in the employment of sorcerers.


These humans have many experiences with fighting and excel at close combat. Generally, such characters have been trained as military warriors, able to stand their ground during tactical battles with their troops. Archers frequently accompany these close combat fighters in order to weaken their opponents from a distance before close combat can ensue.


The influence of the occult has changed the character of these experts of magic, twisting them into more selfish, diabolical spell casters. While the mages research the magical potentials, the dark priests of the Sakkara cult pay homage to the demonic creatures of Orcus. The nefarious magicians are dreaded in battle because they are not only masters of the elements but they also conjure creatures from hell.As well, you will meet outlawed thugs, composed of Brigands and Thieves, who are random fighters; they attempt to flee early and prefer to attack from ambushes.


Various creatures of Ancaria managed to grow to unnatural sizes due to a contamination with free-floating magic. Several spiders and scorpions boast both unpleasant size and speed. Two species of cave inhabitants grew to unimaginable sizes and they live near the glowing crystal mountains of Gnarlstat. Tatabak, the dwarven guardian of Upper Gnarlstat, reported during the times of Morgast I. that cavefish and giant spiders took refuge in the depths of the mines and within deserted strongholds. The cavefish appear to be a mixture of crab and fish, crushing everything with their giant jaws. Some of the spiders have allegedly reached the size of houses.

Contrary to popular belief wyverns, dragons and fire lizards do not share a common origin. The wyvern as well as the ice, fire and desert lizards derive from cold-blooded reptiles, whereas true dragons share similar blood fragments with the Seraphim.

Ghouls and zombies used to be human but their nature was so evil that their rotten souls continue to transform them even in death. Thus their sinister decay continues. They are barely recognizable as humans as their bodies are covered in slime and they are decaying and infested with maggots. The zombies hunger for living flesh, while the ghouls feed on carrion. Beware adventurer! Ghouls and zombies have an predatory intelligence, which makes them hunt their prey. Do not be fooled by their slow movement. Some of them may turn into a nightmare, which is difficult to kill, as they appear to be mightier in death than they were during their lives. The Scribe Sebastianus of Urkenburgh reports that Morgast, second son of Aarnum I., continued to harass the stronghold for seven days as a zombie after his own men had killed him. He did not want give in and his tyranny only ended when Sir Michaelius of Mascarell finally tore the beast to pieces and threw tar over it in order to bind it in death forever. A pure spirit might also be compromised in such manner but that would require the deepest and darkest power of necromancy. Such power has not been known for many years on the plains of Ancaria


These are enemies that are unique in the fact that there is only one of them in the world. Most of these enemies act as bosses or mini bosses for many of the side quests that are scattered around Ancaria. Many of these enemies are specifically named, have a unique spell/attack, and/or have a model that isn't used anywhere else in Ancaria.