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Potions are a category of items which produce special effects when used: several types of potions are available, each of them carrying a unique effect.

Additionally, potions vary in size, with larger potions featuring greater effects than the smaller ones of the same type.

Using potions

There are three ways to use a potion:

  • Press the corresponding hot key from the keyboard (e.g. by default, pressing the space bar will make your character drink a healing potion).
  • Click with the mouse on the appropriate potion image in your control panel, in which potions are arrayed in an arc around the central quest indicator arrow.
  • Right click on a potion bottle in your backpack.

Potions Table

Name Colour Effect(s) Default hot key Notes
Healing Potion Red Restore part or all of your healthpoints, depending upon the size of the potion and the game difficulty selected. Space bar
  • If your character is already at full health, the potion will not be consumed.
  • If your horse needs to be healed, using the potion will also heal the horse.
Potion of Undead Death Purple
  • Increase the damage delivered to the Undead enemies for a limited amount of time.
  • Ensure that the undead do not reanimate after death.
  • When active, a greenish glow emanates from your character's head.
  • In multiplayer mode, the undead do not reanimate anyway, independently from the potion; however, the damage bonus is still effective.
Potion of the Mentor Blue Increase the amount of experience gained by 50% for a limited amount of time. W
  • When active, a yellowish glow emanates from your character's head.
  • The size of the potion merely increases duration of the effect, but does not increase the percent bonus.
  • Potion of the Mentor is the only type of potion that cannot be bought from a merchant.
Potion of Antidote Green Counteract the effect of residual poison damage over-time. E
Concentration Yellow Regenerate Combos instantly, resetting the timer. R