Sacred 2:Recovery Elixir

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Recovery Elixir

Recovery Elixir potions significantly reduce the amount of received poison/burn type damage, thus preventing some of it from damaging the health bar. The amount is based on player's total hitpoints.

__ Duration: Instant.

__ Effect: Neutralize Damage over Time by an amount that equals to a percentage of player's total hitpoints:

Potion Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Niobium
Light Recovery Elixir 50% 25% 17% 12% 9%
Recovery Elixir 87% 44% 29% 22% 17%
Strong Recovery Elixir 125% 62% 41% 31% 25%

For example, if a character has 100 hitpoints, a Light Recovery Elixir can neutralize 50 points of Damage over Time in Bronze difficulty.

Alchemy skill increases the effect of Recovery Elixirs, the amount of damage they can neutralize. At skill level 75, for example:

Potion Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Niobium
Light Recovery Elixir 95% 47% 31% 24% 19%
Recovery Elixir 166% 83% 55% 42% 33%
Strong Recovery Elixir 237% 118% 79% 59% 47%