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== Books of History ==
== Books of History ==
=== Sacred ===
=== The Origins of Ancaria ===
* [[Sacred:The Sea of Blood|The Sea of Blood]]
=== The Sea of Blood ===
* [[Sacred:The Kinsman Wars|The Kinsman Wars]]
Morgast, the second son of Aarnum I has shown himself to be exceptionally brutal and has begun to hunt down and persecute witches, wizards and magicians, as well as travelling show-people and gypsies. Morgast has built his fortress of Castle Thunderstone between the capital Braverock Castle and the monastery. Among the local people, this castle will become known as Crow's Rock Castle on account of the graves, the gallows and the execution scaffolds that present such a grim presence around Morgast's stronghold, teeming with thousands of crows and ravens which find rich pickings among the many carcasses of Morgast's victims. Meanwhile, the Dark Elves await their opportunity for revenge. Advancing from the northern regions spreading venom and treachery, they move through the dark catacombs of the dwarf fortress of Gnarlstat, wiping out the local dwarf population. No dwarf man, woman or child is able to escape the massacre. Barricading themselves in the ruins of Gnarlstat, the Dark Elves construct a fortress which they call Zhurag-Nar, from where they will rule over the north-eastern provinces of Ancaria.
* [[Sacred:The End of Tyranny|The End of Tyranny]]
* [[Sacred:The Wilderness of Sand|The Wilderness of Sand]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (1)|Laws of the Barony DeMordrey]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (2)|Laws of the Barony DeMordrey]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (3)|Laws of the Barony DeMordrey]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (4)|Laws of the Barony DeMordrey]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (5)|Laws of the Barony DeMordrey]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (6)|Laws of the Barony DeMordrey]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony Mascarell|Laws of the Barony Mascarell]]
* [[Sacred:Laws of the Barony Mascarell (2)|Laws of the Barony Mascarell]]
* [[Sacred:Laws from the time of Aarnum III|Laws from the time of Aarnum III]]
* [[Sacred:Book of the Seraphim|Book of the Seraphim]]
* [[Sacred:Diary|Diary]]
=== Underworld ===
=== The Wilderness of Sand ===
The Orcs, who once populated the entire plain of Ancaria, are pushed back towards the east and the south. While in the east, Orcs are either enslaved or killed by the Dark Elves, the Orc bands in the south who were rescued by royal troops have carried on a harsh nomadic existence in the barren southern desert. This life has made the Orcs tougher and more resistant than they were before. A warrior culture has developed among their tribes and the survival of the strongest has become their guiding principle. Whilst in the intervening period, courtly customs have become established among the aristocratic families of the Kingdom, the Orcs have quickly conquered the wilderness and have begun to make weapons and armor in the blacksmiths' shops of their villages and settlements. In the centuries that follow, the south is continuously plagued by the pillaging Orcs, whose power is a magnet for other ambitious creatures, such as Ogres, Goblins and Trolls, who willingly join their ranks.
* [[Sacred:Magic and Climate of Menelgond|Magic and Climate of Menelgond]]
=== The Kinsman Wars ===
* [[Sacred:Beyond Menelgond|Beyond Menelgond]]
Under King Vladimir VI, the Kingdom reaches the verge of collapse. The aristocratic houses of DeMordrey, direct descendents of Morgast I, the Oblividons in the east, and the Mascarells in the South-East have fought furiously over the succession to the crown, splitting the Kingdom into autocratic baronies that show allegiance only to the King himself. The Dark Elves manage to find willing allies in the house of DeMordrey, and spread chaos over the realm, while also managing to obliterate the houses of Ransenmar, Oblividon and Wiedenfeld. Vladimir's reign of terror, however, goes much further. He oppresses the magicians, not only within the barony of the DeMordreys, but throughout the entire Kingdom. At the earnest plea of Baroness Magdelena of Mascarell, Vladimir has stopped the persecution and killing of wizards, driving them instead into the farthest regions of the dark High Moorlands in the east, where they eke out a poor and perilous existence in the Valley of the Stars. As the price for obtaining this act of mercy, Magdalena was obliged to marry Vladimir's son Alexor, who then killed her in a fit of rage shortly afterwards.
* [[Sacred:The Ancient People|The Ancient People]]
* [[Sacred:Unsealing the Depths of Death|Unsealing the Depths of Death]]
=== The End of Tyranny ===
* [[Sacred:The Battle of the Depths of Death|The Battle of the Depths of Death]]
Prince Valorian, a direct descendent of Aarnum and exiled by Alexor I, grows up in the monastery at Icecreek Dale. While out riding one day he saves the spokesperson of the Elves of Tyr-Hadar from the hands of DeMordrey's soldiers. He almost loses his life in the attempt, only to be saved by the healing power of the Elves using the Life Tree in the town of Timberton. His well-intentioned attempt to save the life of the Elf speaker wins her heart over, and she falls in love with him. Valorian finds strong and brave allies in the Elves and with their help and that of the Seraphim of Icecreek Dale, Valorian manages to overthrow King Alexor I at the battle of Faeries Crossing and claim the crown for himself. Under the reign of King Valorian I, the bloodshed and terror finally end. The wizards are allowed to return to the Kingdom and the new position of Court Magician is created, and during the reforms the Seraphim are granted the Status of Paladine, thus ensuring that never again will they be subject to any earthly jurisdiction in the empire. Valorian is not permitted to marry Laralasa and so he marries Alexor's niece Moridya DeMordrey in order to bring about peace with the house of DeMordrey.
* [[Sacred:Hoxar's Demise|Hoxar's Demise]]
* [[Sacred:The New Emperor|The New Emperor]]
=== The Era of Peace ===
* [[Sacred:Anducar's Court‎|Anducar's Court‎]]
* [[Sacred:Exploration of the Depths of Death|Exploration of the Depths of Death]]
* [[Sacred:The Enslavement of the Dwarves‎|The Enslavement of the Dwarves‎]]
=== Book of the Seraphim ===
* [[Sacred:Times Change in Menelgond|Times Change in Menelgond]]
Memorandum from Urisa'N TachYon concerning the use of cloned warriors:
* [[Sacred:Into the Abyss‎|Into the Abyss]]
* [[Sacred:Into the Depths of Death|Into the Depths of Death]]
The first test run in the defense matrix GT-AS 565 went entirely satisfactory. The DNA morphing of Dragon Battle Lizards with female Elifa slaves produced effective fighting amazons in a very short time. These warriors can be used in combat against the three-dimensional demonic giant Worgarians as a replenishable battlefield resource.
* [[Sacred:Anducar's Stronghold|Anducar's Stronghold]]
* [[Sacred:The End of the Dwarves|The End of the Dwarves]]
Fiber-reinforced bone constructions and organic reflex amplifiers permit efficient close combat techniques to be employed. Fitted with transmitters to send inquiries from geostationary transfer satellites, these warriors prove to be very efficient terminators, since they are able to call energy bundles from orbit by vocal command, or energized protective shields.
* [[Sacred:The Haduk and the Nuk-Nuk|The Haduk and the Nuk-Nuk]]
* [[Sacred:The Subkari|The Subkari]]
The plans exist to carry out training routines to turn these clone fighters into efficient pilots for our space attack forces. The spacecraft of the Paladin Class seem to me to be a suitable basis for this.
* [[Sacred:The Haduk|The Haduk]]
* [[Sacred:The Nuk-Nuk|The Nuk-Nuk]]
=== The Ancient People ===
* [[Sacred:Dryads in the Treetops|Dryads in the Treetops]]
How does it feel to become a demon? Does it start with a prickling in your head spreading down your spine? Or is it like a sharp impact — you disappear into the darkness to make room for the demon whose only aim is to spread hatred? Imperator Hoxar VI., the emperor of the Garema — the Ancient People — and ruler of Menelgond was subjected to the experience. His transformation into a demon brought about the downfall of the Garema.
* [[Sacred:The Pirate Isles|The Pirate Isles]]
* [[Sacred:Captain Vernon (book)|Captain Vernon]]
No inhabitant of Menelgond had ever seen a sun above their head before, but though they lived in the underworld, the unwavering light of magic illuminated all of Menelgond. The Garema were delicate and fragile beings who lived in peace with other races: the Dwarves, who raised the treasures from the earth and the Dryads, who made forests and glens their home. The Garema's small huts were spread all over the jungle in Menelgond.
* [[Sacred:Pirate Pigeon Pottypercy|Pirate Pigeon Pottypercy]]
* [[Sacred:The Basement of the Tower|The Basement of the Tower]]
His people respected Imperator Hoxar even though he frequently withdrew to his chambers and did not often appear to his people. The Dwarves and the Dryads also thought highly of him because he consented to trading between Garema, Dwarves and Dryads.
* [[Sacred:Shaddar's Journey|Shaddar's Journey]]
* [[Sacred:Shaddar's Curse|Shaddar's Curse]]
What appeared to be made for eternity collapsed sooner than anyone in Menelgond could ever have imagined.
=== Unsealing the Depths of Death ===
Voices rose among the Garema, telling of stories where a human was destined to lead them and usurp their old dynasty. Whispers of this man sailed on the night breeze, and soon everyone had heard the rumors, yet nobody had ever set eyes on him. The world of the humans existed above Menelgond and no Garema had ever set foot upon it. Comparatively, no human had entered Menelgond for many centuries; and even basic knowledge of humans and their appearance and behavior had been lost or exaggerated far from the truth.
Word of the mysterious human ruler spread like wild fire. Indeed, it seemed as if the Garema were prepared to let nothing but a shadow of imagination and careless whisper take to the throne. When the Imperator heard of these rumors, he dismissed them as a momentary mood of his people. Yet the hushed voices soon turned into shouts, the shouts grew into anger, and the anger incited an uprising. Civil war erupted as the followers of an unknown human clashed in bloody battle with the guards of the Imperator.
Dwarves and Dryads heard of this terrible conflict, but they did not interfere. The battle cost many lives among the Garema, and such was the ferocity with which the two forces met that a gorge was torn asunder, opening at the base of a nearby mountain and leading straight to the Depths of Death. Souls were dragged screeching into an abyss that no living creature had ever encountered before. Those who had fallen during the battle bewailed their fate in this dreadful place while the Garema who survived remained in Menelgond, where they nursed both their wounded and their fears.
=== The Battle of the Depths of Death ===
Once the battle was over, the remaining Garema felt as if they were waking from a terrible dream. They did not understand where all the hatred had come from. They had completely forgotten about the human who was destined to be their new Imperator. Hoxar made the order to seal the gorge to the Depths of Death. The Dwarves used their gunpowder to trigger a landslide and thus the entrance to the abyss was sealed amidst a barrage of horrific screams that reached the surface.
Yet everything that is below the earth attracts the Dwarves. Some suspected that unbelievable wealth lay inside of the Depths of Death. They began to secretly tunnel below the mountain. However, it was not only the Dwarves who were submitted to the whispering of seductive voices. The Dryads also heard whispers in the air: 'The Garema are your enemies' chanted the voices, 'Destroy them.' Even among the Garema talk began anew about the human whose name had caused all this harm.
When the Garema heard about the Dwarves digging below the mountains close to their home, they armed themselves and set off in order to drive the Dwarves away. At the same time, the Dryads were also approaching. And so it was that all three groups faced each other on the very same grounds where the landslide had blocked the entrance into the Depths of Death. When the armies engaged in battle, nobody noticed the solitary human who was watching them from a distance with a faint curl to his lips.
=== Hoxar's Demise ===
The Dryads emerged victorious from the worst battle in the history of Menelgond. Every last Garema had been killed or lay wounded, far beyond hope. The remnants of the Dwarves had scattered and fled. Still, the Dryads did not escape unscathed, and they endured severe losses. When the Dryads realized the extent of the horror that had been caused they were overcome by deep sorrow. They carried the corpses of the Garema back to their homes in the jungle, where they embalmed and buried the fallen Garema. The Dryads then withdrew into their forests and left the Dwarves to their fate.
With the Garema obliterated on the battlefield, Imperator Hoxar now remained as the last of his kind. He took himself to his throne chamber and sat alone with his grief. It was then that a human entered the hall. Piercing eyes glowed from under a dark cowl. With a wave of a hand, the stranger petrified the Imperator. "Ssskrak be your name — be my demon" commanded a voice from within the folds of the hood.
Another wave of the hand and the Imperator was slowly and painfully contorted and twisted into the form of a Subkari — a Demon Lord. Henceforth, Hoxar was no longer a Garema, and the Ancient People had been irrevocably removed from Menelgond. Hoxar forgot all the kindness that had been the foundation of his reign. With his new name and his new shape, he became a valuable servant to his new master. Menelgond would never be the same again.
=== The New Emperor ===
The distraught souls of the dead were tied to the battlegrounds. Not until the Winds of Doom broke free from the Depths of Death was the gorge once again forced open, dragging the wailing souls into the abyss. Darkness began to spread all over the world, engulfing the forests near the gorge and dying the stone of the mountains black. Dwarves, Dryads and all who had survived the inferno were faced with a new Imperator. He was human and called himself Anducar. Nobody knew from whence Anducar came. No Dryad and no Dwarf was able to recall how this human had reached Menelgond from the upperworld. All the paths that traversed that void had long been lost or forgotten for centuries. Anducar settled quietly into the fortress of the Ancient People and reigned as an obscure shadow, showing himself to no one. Before long, myths surfaced and grew and began to surround Anducar, his power and his magic. When he extended his court, things began to change and reality entwined itself within the myths.
=== Anducar's Court ===
Menelgond belonged to Anducar now. No sooner had he eradicated the Garema than he settled within their halls. The former Imperator Hoxar became a dreaded myrmidon of the new ruler. Anducar founded his court by abducting several Dwarves and Dryads. He subdued them and turned them into servants in order to make his life easier. However, he did not wish to live without the company of his own kind.
Anducar brought more humans from the upperworld into Menelgond by mysterious means. At first, they were confused and did not know what had happened to them, but once they realized that there was no way back from Menelgond into their world they accepted their fate. The men turned into court jesters for Anducar and the women became his mistresses. Anducar had accomplished everything. He had established a reign over Menelgond like no emperor before him. The Dryads and the Dwarves suffered intensely.
It was a harsh and merciless regime. The humans, Dryads and Dwarves had to maintain the halls as if an entire emperor family was residing within. Anducar's demands had to be met at any time. However, Anducar's chambers were frequently deserted. Nobody knew where he was during these periods, but no living being dared to attempt an escape or to revolt as the powerful new ruler might reappear at any time.
=== Exploration of the Depths of Death ===
Whenever Anducar disappeared for long periods, he would use this time to explore the Depths of Death. This region was feared among the inhabitants of Menelgond as the souls of the dead were roaming there and it was said that no one who entered would ever return. Anducar, however, discovered these legends to be untrue. Yes, the souls of the dead were indeed bound to this place, but it was also possible for the living to wander the area — and return.
The largest area in the Depths of Death was a rocky desert, where the harsh Winds of Doom blew strong. In this place the illumination was not derived from the light of magic, but instead from the shimmering of the souls. Anducar's path led him through deep canyons and across gloomy mountaintops before he eventually came upon the Abyss of Souls. He gazed into the depths, slowly letting his eyes raise to the summit of a mountain that rose from the chasm. This would be a suitable location for his future stronghold.
From this position he could not only rule over the living in Menelgond, but also over the souls of the dead. Soon he would become powerful enough to overrun the entire upper world. Anducar returned to Menelgond and decided to subjugate the people of Menelgond before undertaking his plans for the Depths of Death.
=== The Enslavement of the Dwarves ===
Klom was the leader of the Dwarves and Anducar summoned him. Without a word, Anducar transformed Klom into a Subkari. He called this second Demon Lord 'Fingoniel' and like Ssskrak before him, this demon turned into a loyal follower of his master. In addition to his exceptional powers of magic that allowed him to seize control over any living being's mind, Anducar now had two powerful Subkari by his side.
With their assistance, he began to drive the Dwarves away. There were still many of them left, but they were tiring and becoming resigned to defeat against Anducar's unholy magic. The Dwarves began to submit and the Subkari herded them to the threshold of the Depths of Death. There they were told to remain, as their new master required their services. The handful of humans whom he had brought to Menelgond were no longer required, nor were the Dryads.
Anducar chose the strongest of the humans and transformed him into yet another Subkari. He called him 'Ceriri'. He proceeded to turn all other humans into Mohkva and placed a curse on them, preventing them from ever leaving Menelgond. It would have been in his power to return them to the upper world but he relished the thought of binding the Mohkva to this realm. Finally, he turned his attention to the Dryads.
=== Times Change in Menelgond ===
The Dryads had withdrawn into their forests and prepared themselves for a battle. While waiting vigilantly for Anducar's arrival they braced themselves in preparation for the worst. They did not notice the shadow sneaking among them. Anducar had not summoned any creatures; instead he had crept straight into their ranks. He investigated their defensive measures and counted their number, but he did not attack them.
Anducar lurked in the shadows, scanning the forest folk until he found the strongest Dryad warrior. With three Subkari already chosen, now was the time to bring the fourth and last one into this world. Alas! the Dryads noticed the presence of Anducar too late and could only watch in terror as the last of the Demon Lords was created. Ninocaur was the name of this new Subkari. The Dryads regained some composure and were ready to fight, but Anducar and Ninocaur simply vanished before their eyes.
Anducar could have defeated the Dryads with the aid of his Demon Lords, yet he chose to let them live. Perhaps they might be useful to him some time in the future. He summoned creatures of darkness to besiege the Dryads in their forest. Some day Anducar would decide how he would use them. Now the time had come to leave Menelgond — a land cursed with decay.
=== Into the Abyss ===
The four Subkari and the Dwarves assembled near the gorge that led into the Depths of Death. Anducar sent them forth into the Depths. Standing alone, he cast one last glance at the land and the firmament made of stone that arched above his head. A smile crossed his face. He had succeeded in destroying the Garema and isolating the Dryads. Anducar was now able to put the work of the Dwarves to good use. This day marked the end of an era in Menelgond. Dryads continued to live there but were permanently threatened by terrifying creatures. The Dwarves had left Menelgond, never to return. Their destiny awaited within the Depths of Death. The ancient races of Garema and Dwarves – both had vanished from the world of Menelgond forever.
=== Into the Depths of Death ===
The Dwarves had left Menelgond behind. Their fate awaiting them in the Depths of Death. Anducar led them further and further into the dusty wastelands; his four Demon Lords by his side. Creatures of horror inhabited the Depths of Death, yet none dared approach Anducar or the convoy of Dwarves trailing in his wake.
Frightened but resolute, the Dwarves knew there would be no way back. The further they marched, the less hope they held, and ever more powerful Anducar and his Demon Lords seemed. Anducar addressed the race of the Dwarves, presenting them with a simple task; once that task was complete, they would be granted permission to return to Menelgond. Whilst there were some who doubted his motives, in others the words rekindled lost hope. And so it was that the Dwarves believed the deceitful words of Anducar.
They arrived at the Abyss of Souls. Here was the place that Anducar had chosen for his fortress. There were no plants on the plains before the chasm, nor was there any water available. Anducar quenched hunger and thirst by magical means in order that the Dwarves remained obedient and dependant, if not desperate. Then Anducar stood back and let the slaves of this ancient race begin their arduous task.
=== Anducar's Stronghold ===
The Dwarves drudged continuously. As soon as Anducar had satisfied their physical needs, the magic proceeded to burrow into the muscles and vital organs to help the Dwarves endure the strain. Relentlessly, the stalwart folk hacked and chiseled away at the stone within the mountainside. Chipping, gathering and hauling the stones the Dwarves set about building a bridge across the chasm that led up to the summit. Once they arrived there, they began to erect a mighty fortress.
Anducar wanted a fortress both awe-inspiring and fear-inducing, one like no other structure in the world. In his visions, Anducar could clearly see the image of his imposing new home and how it would differ vastly from the small and insignificant buildings of the humans, Garema and Dryads. The Dwarves labored hard, through day and night, pushed on by their master and other unforgiving creatures of Anducar's summoning.
Anducar also ordered the erection of a monumental gate outside the fortress walls. All those who endeavored to enter his stronghold would first have to pass through this gate. Only one method is known to open it: one must insert four glyphs into finely engraved recesses around the gate. In this manner, Anducar sought to ensure he could spend his time eternally undisturbed within his great stronghold. Therefore, for continued secrecy, the glyphs were placed in each of the four corners of the world, and it was Anducar's bidding that the Demon Lords stand guard for all time.
=== The Subkari ===
The Subkari were employed as demonic overseers during the construction of the fortress, but their powers were intended primarily for the protection of the glyphs. Anducar created dimension gates and sent the Subkari through these portals, each of them carrying a glyph. They were instructed to remain on the opposing side of the respective dimension gates, and to protect the glyphs with their lives for all eternity. They heeded their master's bidding.
Anyone who dared to reach out for the glyphs would come face to face with the formidable Demon Lords. Anducar was not convinced that the glyphs were securely guarded, and so he created the Nagaya. Anducar sent these so-called Shadow Guards through the dimension gates and placed them under the command of the Subkari. The Nagaya followed their Lords obediently and stood against each and every opponent who dared to confront them.
Now the gate was safe, but Anducar was not entirely satisfied. Even though he could rely on all the creatures within the Depths of Death to guard him, he felt that he needed more devoted protection. His next creation proved to be one of his own most treasured moments — bringing forth his own personal guard from fire and hatred — beings with a dark, burning soul harbored within a hull of metal. Although not as strong as the Demon Lords, they were unconditionally tied to their master. Anducar summoned a great numbers of these creatures, surrounding himself with a sea of fiery, soulless death.
=== The End of the Dwarves ===
Once the fortress had been built Anducar moved into his new abode. He had conquered Menelgond and was now the ruler of the Depths of Death. It was time to focus his powers and to attempt an attack against the upperworld. Still, his army was yet too small and his preparations had not been finished. He would not err and begin his offensive too early.
The Dwarves who had worked on the fortress all this time were barely alive. It was only Anducar's magic which kept them alive. Their bodies were exhausted and their souls were weary. They would be no use in battle and as their work on the stronghold was complete Anducar withdrew his magical energy from them. Almost as one, the Dwarves slumped to the ground, and each died where they lay. Their souls were bound to the Depths of Death and only the ruins in their home of Menelgond remained as evidence that they had ever existed.
Anducar had wiped out yet another great nation. First the Garema and now the Dwarves. In doing so, he had laid the foundations to fill the Depths of Death and Menelgond with his own ghastly creations. With this plan there was no hesitation... yet at the same time something dead had awakened that he had not anticipated...
=== The Haduk and the Nuk-Nuk ===
The new ruler of the Depths of Deaths surrounded himself with his personal guards. Perversely, he also desired to populate the land of Menelgond again, but with creatures of his own. And so it was that he created the Haduk, stocky and simple-minded beings, and had them slave away in the forests of Menelgond for his own purposes. The Haduk were kept, unwittingly, at Anducar's disposal for the day when he decided to destroy the Dryads once and for all. Finally, Anducar amassed enough forces within the Depths of Death and Menelgond.
However, the Garema who had been purged from the world were not restful. Some had awakened from their mummified slumber and wandered around their old lands and former houses. With their memories gone, all that animated them was an unrelenting hatred for every living thing. Anducar watched with amusement, taking pleasure in the extended plight of the Garema. He tolerated these tiny mummies and did not disturb their dwelling of the ruins.
=== Magic and Climate of Menelgond ===
Nobody knows for sure how Menelgond came into existence below the surface, but several legends claim to be the true account of its origin. One tells the story of an evil sorcerer who banished Menelgond below the surface; another claims that Menelgond is the origin of all magic and this magical influence created life and plants within the caverns. One day, however, this magic would be depleted and then Menelgond would fall into eternal darkness and all life within would dwindle to nothing.
As there is no natural sunlight in Menelgond, all life is dependant on magic. Every plant and every creature absorbs the magic that is ubiquitous in Menelgond. Even the water and the rivers flow with magic, which is then absorbed by roots and contributes to growth. Well water fills the rivers and lakes in Menelgond but the water levels are very limited as there is no rain to replenish the springs.
The winds in Menelgond are weak and warm. They result from various regions with differing temperatures: damp rises from the jungle regions and cools the air while heat rises from the gorge leading to the Depths of Death. The winds blow evenly without ever turning into gusts. As there is no way to ascend to the upper world, its climate does not have any influence on Menelgond.
=== Beyond Melengond ===
Menelgond is separate from the upperworld where humans and other beings exist. The inhabitants of Menelgond know about the upperworld, but they do not wish to have any dealings with it. A gorge leads into the Depths of Death where Anducar resides within his fortress. Several dimension gates connect the various regions of Menelgond and one of them is known to lead to the home of the pirates.
=== The Haduk ===
It was many years ago that the Dwarf race inhabited Menelgond. Their buildings were crafted of stone and were plain and sturdy. Perfection of their stone and gem working skills, and their love of treasures below the surface were all this contented folk strived for. However, these were times long past. The human named Anducar abused the Dwarves and bound them to him. Anducar made them build his fortress down in the Depths of Death. Upon its completion he had little use for the Dwarves and so, without remorse, he destroyed them. While the ghosts of the Dwarves roamed the Depths of Death and Menelgond, their once solid buildings fell into disarray and now lie in ruin.
These aptly named Dwarven Ruins are located near Fungi Hillock deep within a forest beset with dense brushwood and rich vegetation. Meanwhile, the Dwarven Ruins are inhabited once more: the people of the Haduk have settled there. They are an oppressed race, created by Anducar who keeps them as slaves in Menelgond. The Haduk produce weapons and armor for their master's armies, but are too simple-minded to rebel against their master.
=== The Nuk-Nuk ===
The Garema are a people who were deceived by Anducar and convinced to revolt against their ruler. Anducar led them into meaningless battles where they obliterated themselves. The end of the Garema was wrought entirely by Anducar, transforming the last of the Garema into one of his Demon Lords. After the sounds of the final battle ceased, the Dryads embalmed the fallen Garema and buried them within the walls of their old city; yet the rest of the dead did not last — such was their untimely and hateful departure from this world that the embalmed Garema rose from the dead.
The undead Garema have forgotten who and what they once were, and now call themselves Nuk-Nuk. The long duration of their deaths has filled them with abject hatred. Despite the stiffness of their limbs and the decay of their eyes, ears and noses, the Nuk-Nuk are agile and dangerous. Signs of ancient cultures surround them, yet their only aim is to annihilate everything alive. A right and just vengeance for the premature ending of their own mortal existence.
=== Dryads in the Treetops ===
With the Dwarves eradicated from Menelgond, the Haduk becoming loyal followers of their master, and the Nuk-Nuk isolated, there was one group that still opposed Anducar and his demonic armies. This was the race of the Dryads, and they took a stand against the unwanted evil. They saw through Anducar's deceit and they knew how he had used his magic to instigate conflict between the other inhabitants of Menelgond. Now they were holding out against his influence.
The Dryads live in the treetops, above the ceiling of the world. They built a city within a dense forest using ropes, small wooden bridges and tree-huts and from here they are able to overlook all of Menelgond. This elevated position gives them an advantage in the battles against Anducar's demons. Many years of skirmishing and war have passed, and the usually peaceful Dryads are now exhausted. They hold on to the 'Lost Hope'... a prayer that one day they will be granted the aid they need in their fight against Anducar.
=== Shaddar's Journey ===
Shaddar's death was a journey. It carried his soul through portal after portal, into every world, in every age, in every dimension. He not only saw things beyond life, he also witnessed things beyond death. Eternity filled him and he was eternity. Yet it was not his fate to remain there; Shaddar's road had not yet come to an end. He returned, not to the upperworld, but instead to the Depths of Death. Here, Shaddar was finely balanced between life and death.
=== The Catharsis ===
=== The Basement of the Tower ===
Shaddar's tower, which is located in the upperworld, extends far below into the Depths of Death. Even though Shaddar himself had built the tower, he did not recall how far it extended into the underworld. It was only when he arrived in the Depths of Death after his long journey that he found the basement of his tower standing there. He lifted his eyes and saw the walls extending beyond the stone-crafted dome that arched over the Depths of Death and Shaddar knew that up there stood the rest of his tower — protruding into the upperworld.
=== Shaddar's Curse ===
Shaddar is enduring his puny existence within the Depths of Death, forever pursuing the meaning of life. This is his curse: to strive eternally for wisdom and knowledge without ever being able to achieve ultimate understanding. He commits himself to humility while he withdraws further and further from the world without realizing that he will never be omniscient. His journey has given him insight into eternity, but his human senses are too inferior to fathom the meaning of the impressions he has encountered.
=== The Pirate Isles ===
Surrounded by dangerous reefs and clouded by eternal fog lies a group of islands in the sea of the upperworld... the Pirate Isles. Demons and undead have taken over the main island. A ship is required in order to reach these isles, a ship with a capable navigator who can avoid the dangerous reefs which are concealed by thick fog. Without an able helmsman a ship will surely run aground over the reefs, and the crew will face a wet and miserable death. An active volcano has shaped the surface of these islands.
=== Pirate Pigeon Pottypercy ===
Pigeon Pottypercy is the leader of the pirates. Demons chased him and his men away from Pirate Island and they were forced to take refuge on a neighboring island. However, their new home is crawling with dangerous crabs and the pirates desperately want to return to their island. Unfortunately, they had to abandon their ship and to make matters even worse their helmsman has vanished on Hatchet Crab Island. Amidst these dangers Pottypercy remains a cunning pirate.
=== Captain Vernon ===
Captain Vernon is the leader of the zombie pirates. After they conquered the Pirate Island, the undead made their camp on the beach of a bay. They ambush the living and continually attempt to advance upon the island. Captain Vernon had been a feared pirate when he was alive; as an undead, he became even more ruthless.
=== Diary ===
(Thorwyn's Diary)
=== Diary (2) ===
It is horrifying to see how many women are stopping their education to take care of their homes and be in front of the oven again! Speak up and demand your right to be equal fighters. You deserve respect if you do respectful things. Alicia, the Black Warrior.
=== Life Wisdoms of the Knight Markus Marian ===
=== Laws from the time of Aarnum I ===
=== Laws from the time of Valorian ===
=== Laws from the time of Aarnum III ===
It is allowed to shoot a bear but it is not allowed to wake a bear from its sleep with the intention to use magic to change its form.
=== Laws from the time of Aarnum III (2) ===
=== Laws from the time of Aarnum III (3) ===
=== Laws from the time of Aarnum III (4) ===
=== Laws from the time of Aarnum III (5) ===
=== Laws from the time of Aarnum III (6) ===
=== Laws of the Barony Mascarell ===
Hunting is forbidden on a Sunday.
=== Laws of the Barony Mascarell (2) ===
An old law declares goatee beards as illegal. The only exception is if you have paid a tax to receive the permission and privilege to wear one in public.
=== Laws of the Barony Mascarell (3) ===
=== Laws of the Barony Mascarell (4) ===
=== Laws of the Barony Mascarell (5) ===
=== Laws of the Barony Mascarell (6) ===
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey ===
The participation or organization of duels is strictly prohibited.
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (2) ===
If more than eight women live under the same roof, this house is then classed as a brothel and they are not allowed.
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (3) ===
If you don't carry at least one gold piece with you, you could be locked up for vagrancy.
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (4) ===
All residents must pay taxes for their furniture and their servants.
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (5) ===
Arrows and swords may not be used as a currency.
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (6) ===
Without the permission of the acting baron in charge, women are not allowed to cut their hair.
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (7) ===
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (8) ===
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (9) ===
=== Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (10) ===
== Books of Religion ==
== Books of Religion ==
=== The Creation of the World ===
=== The Seraphim Army ===
The Demon Princes brought chaos into the gods' creation and showed the Wizards of Darkness how to open the Portals of Hell using the blood of innocents, opening the way for the hordes of the demon brood to sweep into the world. The ensuing battles lasted for whole eons and the gods were pushed ever further back, whilst the Worldstone was under threat of being taken by the demons. Then the war goddess Sophia stepped into the fray, sacrificing herself by facing up to Worganar, the mightiest of the Demon Princes, and was slain by him. But as Worganar triumphed in his belief that he now had the Worldstone in his grasp, divine warriors — the Seraphim — arose from the blood of the goddess. Using their divine powers, the Seraphim destroyed Worganar and his followers and drove the demons back into Hell. Then, as peace finally seemed to be returning, the Seraphim were called upon to protect the Worldstone, which they divided into five parts and concealed the parts in the four corners of the world. But, because of their divine power and their superiority in warfare, the Seraphim became arrogant and presumptuous and in their exaggerated self-assurance they forgot to protect the five pieces of the Worldstone — the Element stones, which were found and stolen by power-hungry elves, the Dark Elves...
=== The Modern Seraphim ===
The Elves, proudest of the gods' creations, found themselves confronting their power-hungry brothers and sisters of darkness. But the Dark Elves had an advantage; they had taken possession of the five Element stones, which they were now using to decimate the people of the noble ones, spilling their blood and bringing fire and sickness. The gods sent their Seraphim army to put an end to the slaughter. The Priestesses of the matriarchy of the Dark Elves slew the Seraphim in great numbers, so that in the end only a few of the warriors remained. Then salvation came in the form of the Dwarves from Gnarlingen, which would later become known as the Dwarf Fortress of Gnarlstat. These proud warriors cut great swathes through Dark Elves with their broad axes, driving them into retreat. The few surviving Seraphim managed to find and save three of the five Element stones and bring them to safety. But they themselves were defeated and no longer an army, but merely a small band of Guardians of the Light who now turned their thoughts to their divine origins and became ever-more determined to dedicate themselves henceforth to the service of Goodness...
=== Pagan Magic ===
=== Dark Magic ===
The magic of darkness is characterized by particularly perverse and brutal rituals in which the organs of living or dead victims are an essential ingredient. Fissures are made in the fabric between the different planes of existence in order to release power from the demonic dimensions. The use of this kind of magic is strictly forbidden and is punished by burning at the stake or exile. Notwithstanding these harsh penalties, the numbers of dark brothers and sisters are not inconsiderable. The dark magicians' desire for power extending beyond the world of the living and into the realm of the dead is very strong. The most common practitioners are the Necromancers and the Dark Elf matriarchs.
=== Introduction to Necromancy ===
=== Introduction to Fire Magic ===
=== Introduction to Air Magic ===
=== Introduction to Water Magic ===
=== Introduction to Earth Magic ===
=== Persuasion for Beginners ===
=== Persuasion for Professionals ===
* [[Sacred:Dark Magic|Dark Magic]]
=== Persuasions: Forbidden Sources ===
* [[Sacred:Introduction to Air Magic|Introduction to Air Magic]]
* [[Sacred:Introduction to Fire Magic|Introduction to Fire Magic]]
* [[Sacred:Introduction to Wind Magic|Introduction to Wind Magic]]
* [[Sacred:Persuasion for Beginners|Persuasion for Beginners]]
* [[Sacred:Persuasions: Forbidden Sources|Persuasions: Forbidden Sources]]
* [[Sacred:The Seraphim Army|The Seraphim Army]]
* [[Sacred:The Modern Seraphim|The Modern Seraphim]]
== Books of Geography ==
== Books of Geography ==
=== Ancaria's Heart ===
The core region of the Kingdom of Ancaria used to be orc and dark elven land. After Aarnum I took the fortress of the dark elves the capital of Braverock was founded. Trees of the wood were cut back and the lands were made fertile. The rich villages of Shires Pen, Bravesbury and Hedgenton farmed the fields for corn and distributed it throughout the kingdom. Hedgenton alone had managed to increase the output of their lands through political efficiency which came when it split in two. Orcs and dark elves have not been here in hundreds of years and only lone robbers pose a threat to the common wanderer. More dangerous are the roads of the Thieves Quarter of Braverock, controlled by the Guild of Thieves and the Guild of Murderers and openly revolted by the noble houses, even though in secret they finance these guilds to do their bidding.
=== Pioneer of the Southern Border ===
=== The Old Farmlands of the North ===
Once a meaningful crop and animal raising region, in the times of Alexors I, that meaning has dropped substantially in the last century. The settlement of Wolfdale in the Barony of DeMordrey and Bravewall, close to the borders of the dark elven fortress of Zhurag-Nar only supplies itself now. While little is known about Wolfdale, after hundreds of years Wolf hunting is still common, while Bravewall seems to become increasingly more military, even though they are in a mountain bottleneck region and more susceptible to dark elf attacks.
=== The Dark Regions ===
=== The Matriarchy of Depths ===
And Corimbald the Wise reported that... those who the folk in those days only dared to refer to in whispers — known as the Angels of Death — brought terror and death to the villages, the meadows and the houses. Even those among the small folk, the occupants of Gnarlstat, who escaped the massacre and wandered westwards feared their poison and their deadly blades. Deep in the halls of Zhurag-Nar, the Princesses of the Dark Elves are meeting and laying their murderous, wanton plans. They seldom take slaves and it is widely known that the bones of Orcs and Goblins are found just as often as those of men, women and children, whether of lowly farming stock or from aristocratic families. A human child from the far-away Highmarsh, where the men grub about in the dirt to find combustible materials, escaped the dark cave and spoke about the power of the women who practice dark witchcraft there and how those who swarm against our brave soldiers on the battle field with fluttering flags are just like the drones of a bee state. They are born — or rather laid — to murder, pillage, kill! Woe to you, O Ancaria!
=== Blades of Mascarell ===
=== Wood and Timber from the North ===
Crow's Rock Castle, established under Morgast I, forms the dark heart of the Barony of DeMordrey. The hardest and most merciless soldiers of the realm are trained in the barony, whilst the localities of Wolfdale, Bellevue and Timberton are relatively weak in comparison. Slater's Grave lies to the north of the realm, and this region is more well known for its building trade than for its military abilities. Timberton is the homeland of the wood cutters, who received instructions from Vladimir DeMordrey to carry out more of their work closer to the woods of Tyr-Hadar.
The protection of the population is not easily policed due to the encroachments of DeMordreyan soldiers. These encroachments are not nationally outlawed since the house of DeMordrey enjoys near-autonomous rights granted through the marriage of the Valorians with Moridya. However, it is whispered that the Crown of Aarnum X. tacitly grants a general pardon for adventurers and Seraphim alike, who are believed to be responsible for preventing the more menacing and threatening encroachments against the population.
=== Harsh Winds and Calm Lands ===
Under Aarnum I and his successors, the Orcs were driven out of the region of the present Kingdom towards the south. They are now housed in the protected settlements of Khorad-Nur and Normad-Nur and in the small towns of Kashari and Aish-Jadar. The Orc's cattle breeding ability is distinctly lacking, but in the few oases of the desert there is another commodity that purchases their survival when they meet the hordes and which they also sell to the rich and beautiful for gold and precious stones: cocoa. The smuggling of this product is forbidden in the Kingdom. And so in the oasis of Ahil-Tar and in Prince Valor's border fortress of Urkenburgh (formerly Orcenburh, also known as Uruk-Nar), the imperial troops have taken over an old stronghold from the time of Alexor I, not only for defense against the Orcs and Ogres, but also against smugglers and greedy settlers intent on trying their luck here. According to rumors, the far southeast is said to stretch far beyond the Orc region and to be bordered by the icy plateaus where only the most hideous monsters live. Nevertheless, it is said that the Orcs have driven tunnels into the mountain ranges that separate the Dragon lands from the desert and are building underground fortresses.
=== About Elves and Dragons ===
=== At Icecreek Dale ===
Hear me, O ye gods, and accept my thanks!
It was in the days of my own springtime that I first came to this place and saw her — Sophia, a Seraphim of the greatest beauty and purity. And with her radiance, she swept a band of scab-ridden Orcs out of her way. But the Orcs had erected a shield wall to protect the evil brood, and so they returned to fall upon the beautiful radiant Sophia again, intending to spill her blood in the cold snow. Sophia fell, but before the mob could violate her, I knocked the disgusting grimaces off their faces with my war club. Enchanted by her beauty, I summoned up my healing powers and brought Sophia back to life. By that icy stream, we built a fortress, a bastion of goodness towering over the icy valley and Sophia became High Priestess and Queen of the Seraphim. In this place, we preserve the knowledge and the wisdom of the ancient ones and offer sanctuary to the remaining Seraphim. Only very few Seraphim are born nowadays and even Sophia has not given birth to a blessed girl, but only to a boy — my son... Aarnum!
Stradalus, the abbott of the fortress Monastery at Icecreek Dale
=== The Orcs ===
=== The Shadowzone ===
When Morgast, younger son of Aarnum, fought at a young age against the Orcs to the south he left Orcish males, females and children impaled on ragged stakes. This was until a blade stabbed through the back of the prince, plunged by one of his own men to put an end to further relentless screaming of more Orcs in pain. Some fools dared to head to the moors of the Dark Elven realm who destroyed Gnarlstat. Those that escaped the poisoned arrows of the Dark Elves reported of further Orc camps. It seems as though this dark and wet land is the origin of the Orcs. Or did the Orcs come from further east? Through dark forests and mountain chains, unknown to the powerful and wise men of Ancaria? Will it be possible to walk these lands one day? Who knows?
=== The Artists of the West ===
* [[Sacred:Ancaria's Heart|Ancaria's Heart]]
* [[Sacred:At Icecreek Dale|At Icecreek Dale]]
* [[Sacred:Harsh Winds and Calm Lands|Harsh Winds and Calm Lands]]
* [[Sacred:Pioneer of the Southern Border|Pioneer of the Southern Border]]
* [[Sacred:The Artists of the West|The Artists of the West]]
* [[Sacred:The Matriarchy of Depths|The Matriarchy of Depths]]
* [[Sacred:The Old Farmlands of the North|The Old Farmlands of the North]]
* [[Sacred:The Shadowzone|The Shadowzone]]
* [[Sacred:Wood and Timber from the North|Wood and Timber from the North]]
== Books of Recipes ==
== Books of Recipes ==
=== Grilled Quail Out of Braverock ===
* [[Sacred:Bravesbury Steamed Spinach|Bravesbury Steamed Spinach]]
=== Fried Bread of Alkazaba noc Draco ===
* [[Sacred:DeMordreyan Mutton|DeMordreyan Mutton]]
* [[Sacred:Elven Slyces of Tyr-Hadar|Elven Slyces of Tyr-Hadar]]
* [[Sacred:Fried Icecreek Dale Salmon in Wine Sauce|Fried Icecreek Dale Salmon in Wine Sauce]]
=== DeMordreyan Mutton ===
* [[Sacred:Grilled Quail out of Braverock|Grilled Quail out of Braverock]]
* [[Sacred:Mascarellian Cabbage Stew|Mascarellian Cabbage Stew]]
=== Bravesbury Steamed Spinach ===
=== Fried Icecreek Dale Salmon in Wine Sauce ===
=== Mascarellian Cabbage Stew ===
Pare and slice the apples and place them in a pot. Add equal parts of wine and water until the apples are just about covered. For every two apples add a perhaps a half small spoon of cinnamon or a stick of cinnamon, or more depending on your taste. For every two apples add two or three whole cloves, or more if you like cloves. Simmer the apples for an hour or so, then add around one third of a cup of sugar for every two apples, adjusted to your own taste. Give the apples a quick stir to break them up a bit. Let them simmer until you are ready to eat them, but at least until they break up into an apple sauce like texture, perhaps with a few unbroken chunks. Just before serving, add one table spoon of butter for every two apples and stir until melted and blended. Serve warm, but it's good cold the next day.
=== Elven Slices of Tyr-Hadar ===
=== Moorbrook Pepper Sauce for Calf or Game Animals ===
== Books of Enemies ==
== Books of Enemies ==
=== Demons ===
=== Reptiles ===
=== Cave Beings ===
=== Animals of the Woods ===
The fauna of Ancaria is defined by the animals of the woods. Along with the countless deer and stags, reserved as prey for the Nobles and Hunters, different specimens of bear and wild boar call these lands their home. The animals are, like most types of wolf, less aggressive than folk lore would have one believe. Dangerous and aggressive are the Wargh wolves though, whose origins are from the Dark Elves of Mhurag-Nar.
=== Goblinoids ===
The origins of the Goblinoids, the Orcs and the Ogres are not known. There is speculation that they might be offshoots of a previous mixing of human and dwarf tribes. The Ogres are a variant that arose out of the breeding of warriors among the slave Orcs of Mhurag-Nar during their enslavement at the hands of the Dark Elves' empire.
Similarities in the word Nar, used by the Dark Elves, and the Orc word Nur, both used to denote a fortress, appear to stem from this era of slavery.
The heritage of the Goblins seems to be even older still. These creatures are not really evil, being rather of a chaotic nature. One could speculate whether the later Orcs developed from an aggressive Goblin breed that evolved bellicose characteristics while living in harsh regions that were hostile to life.
=== Harpies and Gargoyles ===
Harpies and Gargoyles (also called water-spewers) originate from the time of the Wars of the Gods, when the Demons fell into the world of mortals.
Harpies are creatures of demonic origin and are the offspring of Demons who paired with Elven women they had ensorcelled with their spells.
The Gargoyles guard the palaces of the Dark Elves. The Dark Elf magicians animated the stone water-spewers and breathed demonic life into them by planting the souls of weakened Demons into the first Gargoyles.
After the Wars of the Gods, whose end was brought on by the sacrifice of Sophia, both forms of creature sought out places for themselves in the world and now are only occasionally to be found near deserted buildings and ruins.
=== Vampire ===
=== Rotting Flesh ===
=== Automaton of Death ===
=== The Restless ===
=== The Undead ===
Mummified undead plagued the graveyards in the time of Aarnum I. Since this practice has been little used over the last few centuries, these unholy beings are now found only seldom.
Often coming from rich households, these creatures are damned individuals who had the most horrible of curses laid upon them at death, to make them haunt the living.
Little is known about them, but Shaddar, the great necromancer from Mystdale Castle asserts that those clumsy, stalking mummies resulting from experimental necromancy are ridiculous parodies of the mummies from a real master who is able to endue them with the power and skills of warriors and magicians of heroic strength.
=== Higher Energy Being ===
=== Armored Louse ===
=== Hornet ===
=== Glorb ===
=== Glorb Hunter ===
=== Lashing Terror ===
=== Armored Louse ===
=== Insect Larva ===
=== Titanic Fly ===
=== Mire Worm ===
=== Mohkva ===
=== Carnivorous Flower ===
=== Skull Ripper ===
=== Wreathed Choker ===
=== Nuk-Nuk ===
=== Dryads: Druids ===
=== Dryad: Amazons ===
(This entry is bugged, it doesn't show)
=== Dryad: Will o' the Wisps ===
=== Dryad: Stygian Elder ===
=== Hatchet Crab ===
=== Dwarf: Skeletons ===
=== Dwarf: Ghost ===
=== Bolting Terror ===
=== Blooded Terror ===
=== Frazzler ===
Frazzlers feature extremely long arms. When they are running they will dig their claws into the ground to gain additional speed. Therefore, hardly anyone is able to escape them. In close combat they will either use their claws or blunt two-hand weapons. Frazzlers exist in various sizes; all of them are equally dangerous.
=== Shadow Guard ===
=== Cerebropod ===
=== Hell Golem ===
=== Demon Lords ===
Ssskrak, Fingoniel, Ceriri and Ninocaur are the names of the four Demon Lords. Each of them controls one region of Menelgond. The Demon Lords are large, human-like creatures with a scaly skin and horns protruding from their heads. They are also known as the Subkari and their cruelty is notorious — an opponent never dies swiftly.
=== Anducar's Guard ===
A fire that is blazing inside of them drives Anducar's personal guard. They are of human shape and their inner fire is extremely obvious at the head as it flares above their glowing eyes. They are able to wield any type of weapon, making them feared opponents to any race.
=== Anducar (human form) ===
Anducar generally adopts a human form, but that is just one of many shapes he is able to take. He gives the impression of being small and insignificant as a human but this is merely a disguise to hide his true strength. His face is hidden by a cowl and only his eyes glow in the blackness. The magic within him is extremely powerful and he is able to wield deadly spells in his human form.
=== Anducar (demon form) ===
* [[Sacred:Anducar (Demon Form)|Anducar (Demon Form)]]
=== Chthonian Minotaur ===
* [[Sacred:Anducar (Human Form)|Anducar (Human Form)]]
* [[Sacred:Anducar's Guard (book)|Anducar's Guard]]
* [[Sacred:Animals of the Woods|Animals of the Woods]]
* [[Sacred:Armored Louse|Armored Louse]]
* [[Sacred:Bolting Terror (book)|Bolting Terror]]
* [[Sacred:Cerebropod (book)|Cerebropod]]
* [[Sacred:Chthonian Minotaur|Chthonian Minotaur]]
* [[Sacred:Demon Lords|Demon Lords]]
* [[Sacred:Demons (book)|Demons]]
* [[Sacred:Dryad: Stygian Elder|Dryad: Stygian Elder]]
* [[Sacred:Dryad: Will o' the Wisps|Dryad: Will o' the Wisps]]
* [[Sacred:Dwarf: Ghosts|Dwarf: Ghosts]]
* [[Sacred:Dwarf: Skeletons|Dwarf: Skeletons]]
* [[Sacred:Frazzler (book)|Frazzler]]
* [[Sacred:Glorb Hunter (book)|Glorb Hunter]]
* [[Sacred:Goblinoids|Goblinoids]]
* [[Sacred:Higher Energy Being|Higher Energy Being]]
* [[Sacred:Harpies and Gargoyles|Harpies and Gargoyles]]
* [[Sacred:Hell Golem (book)|Hell Golem]]
* [[Sacred:Insect Larva|Insect Larva]]
* [[Sacred:Lashing Terror|Lashing Terror]]
* [[Sacred:Mohkva (book)|Mohkva]]
* [[Sacred:The Restless|The Restless]]
* [[Sacred:Rotting Flesh|Rotting Flesh]]
* [[Sacred:The Undead|The Undead]]
* [[Sacred:Titanic Fly (book)|Titanic Fly]]
* [[Sacred:Vampire|Vampire]]

Revision as of 10:46, 9 August 2024


The land of Ancaria has many writers, poets, and artists. Their work can be seen within the pages of books that can be found exploring the land of Ancaria. The books do not enhance or give a character any known game-playing benefits. The knowledge in these books range from recipes to laws of the Barony's to Ancaria's history. Delightful glimpses into the history of Ancaria and advice offered on skilled spell-casting, the story of T-Energy, and how to set a proper table for Orcs are all a part of this world's literary heritage.

Read on and discover! Most of them are fairly common and can be found reading Scrolls, however, there is one exception. That would be the Book of the Seraphim and it can only be gotten by a Seraphim in the quest Seraphim Rescue II.

Books of History

The Origins of Ancaria


The Sea of Blood

Morgast, the second son of Aarnum I has shown himself to be exceptionally brutal and has begun to hunt down and persecute witches, wizards and magicians, as well as travelling show-people and gypsies. Morgast has built his fortress of Castle Thunderstone between the capital Braverock Castle and the monastery. Among the local people, this castle will become known as Crow's Rock Castle on account of the graves, the gallows and the execution scaffolds that present such a grim presence around Morgast's stronghold, teeming with thousands of crows and ravens which find rich pickings among the many carcasses of Morgast's victims. Meanwhile, the Dark Elves await their opportunity for revenge. Advancing from the northern regions spreading venom and treachery, they move through the dark catacombs of the dwarf fortress of Gnarlstat, wiping out the local dwarf population. No dwarf man, woman or child is able to escape the massacre. Barricading themselves in the ruins of Gnarlstat, the Dark Elves construct a fortress which they call Zhurag-Nar, from where they will rule over the north-eastern provinces of Ancaria.

The Wilderness of Sand

The Orcs, who once populated the entire plain of Ancaria, are pushed back towards the east and the south. While in the east, Orcs are either enslaved or killed by the Dark Elves, the Orc bands in the south who were rescued by royal troops have carried on a harsh nomadic existence in the barren southern desert. This life has made the Orcs tougher and more resistant than they were before. A warrior culture has developed among their tribes and the survival of the strongest has become their guiding principle. Whilst in the intervening period, courtly customs have become established among the aristocratic families of the Kingdom, the Orcs have quickly conquered the wilderness and have begun to make weapons and armor in the blacksmiths' shops of their villages and settlements. In the centuries that follow, the south is continuously plagued by the pillaging Orcs, whose power is a magnet for other ambitious creatures, such as Ogres, Goblins and Trolls, who willingly join their ranks.

The Kinsman Wars

Under King Vladimir VI, the Kingdom reaches the verge of collapse. The aristocratic houses of DeMordrey, direct descendents of Morgast I, the Oblividons in the east, and the Mascarells in the South-East have fought furiously over the succession to the crown, splitting the Kingdom into autocratic baronies that show allegiance only to the King himself. The Dark Elves manage to find willing allies in the house of DeMordrey, and spread chaos over the realm, while also managing to obliterate the houses of Ransenmar, Oblividon and Wiedenfeld. Vladimir's reign of terror, however, goes much further. He oppresses the magicians, not only within the barony of the DeMordreys, but throughout the entire Kingdom. At the earnest plea of Baroness Magdelena of Mascarell, Vladimir has stopped the persecution and killing of wizards, driving them instead into the farthest regions of the dark High Moorlands in the east, where they eke out a poor and perilous existence in the Valley of the Stars. As the price for obtaining this act of mercy, Magdalena was obliged to marry Vladimir's son Alexor, who then killed her in a fit of rage shortly afterwards.

The End of Tyranny

Prince Valorian, a direct descendent of Aarnum and exiled by Alexor I, grows up in the monastery at Icecreek Dale. While out riding one day he saves the spokesperson of the Elves of Tyr-Hadar from the hands of DeMordrey's soldiers. He almost loses his life in the attempt, only to be saved by the healing power of the Elves using the Life Tree in the town of Timberton. His well-intentioned attempt to save the life of the Elf speaker wins her heart over, and she falls in love with him. Valorian finds strong and brave allies in the Elves and with their help and that of the Seraphim of Icecreek Dale, Valorian manages to overthrow King Alexor I at the battle of Faeries Crossing and claim the crown for himself. Under the reign of King Valorian I, the bloodshed and terror finally end. The wizards are allowed to return to the Kingdom and the new position of Court Magician is created, and during the reforms the Seraphim are granted the Status of Paladine, thus ensuring that never again will they be subject to any earthly jurisdiction in the empire. Valorian is not permitted to marry Laralasa and so he marries Alexor's niece Moridya DeMordrey in order to bring about peace with the house of DeMordrey.

The Era of Peace


Book of the Seraphim

Memorandum from Urisa'N TachYon concerning the use of cloned warriors:

The first test run in the defense matrix GT-AS 565 went entirely satisfactory. The DNA morphing of Dragon Battle Lizards with female Elifa slaves produced effective fighting amazons in a very short time. These warriors can be used in combat against the three-dimensional demonic giant Worgarians as a replenishable battlefield resource.

Fiber-reinforced bone constructions and organic reflex amplifiers permit efficient close combat techniques to be employed. Fitted with transmitters to send inquiries from geostationary transfer satellites, these warriors prove to be very efficient terminators, since they are able to call energy bundles from orbit by vocal command, or energized protective shields.

The plans exist to carry out training routines to turn these clone fighters into efficient pilots for our space attack forces. The spacecraft of the Paladin Class seem to me to be a suitable basis for this.

The Ancient People

How does it feel to become a demon? Does it start with a prickling in your head spreading down your spine? Or is it like a sharp impact — you disappear into the darkness to make room for the demon whose only aim is to spread hatred? Imperator Hoxar VI., the emperor of the Garema — the Ancient People — and ruler of Menelgond was subjected to the experience. His transformation into a demon brought about the downfall of the Garema.

No inhabitant of Menelgond had ever seen a sun above their head before, but though they lived in the underworld, the unwavering light of magic illuminated all of Menelgond. The Garema were delicate and fragile beings who lived in peace with other races: the Dwarves, who raised the treasures from the earth and the Dryads, who made forests and glens their home. The Garema's small huts were spread all over the jungle in Menelgond.

His people respected Imperator Hoxar even though he frequently withdrew to his chambers and did not often appear to his people. The Dwarves and the Dryads also thought highly of him because he consented to trading between Garema, Dwarves and Dryads.

What appeared to be made for eternity collapsed sooner than anyone in Menelgond could ever have imagined.

Unsealing the Depths of Death

Voices rose among the Garema, telling of stories where a human was destined to lead them and usurp their old dynasty. Whispers of this man sailed on the night breeze, and soon everyone had heard the rumors, yet nobody had ever set eyes on him. The world of the humans existed above Menelgond and no Garema had ever set foot upon it. Comparatively, no human had entered Menelgond for many centuries; and even basic knowledge of humans and their appearance and behavior had been lost or exaggerated far from the truth.

Word of the mysterious human ruler spread like wild fire. Indeed, it seemed as if the Garema were prepared to let nothing but a shadow of imagination and careless whisper take to the throne. When the Imperator heard of these rumors, he dismissed them as a momentary mood of his people. Yet the hushed voices soon turned into shouts, the shouts grew into anger, and the anger incited an uprising. Civil war erupted as the followers of an unknown human clashed in bloody battle with the guards of the Imperator.

Dwarves and Dryads heard of this terrible conflict, but they did not interfere. The battle cost many lives among the Garema, and such was the ferocity with which the two forces met that a gorge was torn asunder, opening at the base of a nearby mountain and leading straight to the Depths of Death. Souls were dragged screeching into an abyss that no living creature had ever encountered before. Those who had fallen during the battle bewailed their fate in this dreadful place while the Garema who survived remained in Menelgond, where they nursed both their wounded and their fears.

The Battle of the Depths of Death

Once the battle was over, the remaining Garema felt as if they were waking from a terrible dream. They did not understand where all the hatred had come from. They had completely forgotten about the human who was destined to be their new Imperator. Hoxar made the order to seal the gorge to the Depths of Death. The Dwarves used their gunpowder to trigger a landslide and thus the entrance to the abyss was sealed amidst a barrage of horrific screams that reached the surface.

Yet everything that is below the earth attracts the Dwarves. Some suspected that unbelievable wealth lay inside of the Depths of Death. They began to secretly tunnel below the mountain. However, it was not only the Dwarves who were submitted to the whispering of seductive voices. The Dryads also heard whispers in the air: 'The Garema are your enemies' chanted the voices, 'Destroy them.' Even among the Garema talk began anew about the human whose name had caused all this harm.

When the Garema heard about the Dwarves digging below the mountains close to their home, they armed themselves and set off in order to drive the Dwarves away. At the same time, the Dryads were also approaching. And so it was that all three groups faced each other on the very same grounds where the landslide had blocked the entrance into the Depths of Death. When the armies engaged in battle, nobody noticed the solitary human who was watching them from a distance with a faint curl to his lips.

Hoxar's Demise

The Dryads emerged victorious from the worst battle in the history of Menelgond. Every last Garema had been killed or lay wounded, far beyond hope. The remnants of the Dwarves had scattered and fled. Still, the Dryads did not escape unscathed, and they endured severe losses. When the Dryads realized the extent of the horror that had been caused they were overcome by deep sorrow. They carried the corpses of the Garema back to their homes in the jungle, where they embalmed and buried the fallen Garema. The Dryads then withdrew into their forests and left the Dwarves to their fate.

With the Garema obliterated on the battlefield, Imperator Hoxar now remained as the last of his kind. He took himself to his throne chamber and sat alone with his grief. It was then that a human entered the hall. Piercing eyes glowed from under a dark cowl. With a wave of a hand, the stranger petrified the Imperator. "Ssskrak be your name — be my demon" commanded a voice from within the folds of the hood.

Another wave of the hand and the Imperator was slowly and painfully contorted and twisted into the form of a Subkari — a Demon Lord. Henceforth, Hoxar was no longer a Garema, and the Ancient People had been irrevocably removed from Menelgond. Hoxar forgot all the kindness that had been the foundation of his reign. With his new name and his new shape, he became a valuable servant to his new master. Menelgond would never be the same again.

The New Emperor

The distraught souls of the dead were tied to the battlegrounds. Not until the Winds of Doom broke free from the Depths of Death was the gorge once again forced open, dragging the wailing souls into the abyss. Darkness began to spread all over the world, engulfing the forests near the gorge and dying the stone of the mountains black. Dwarves, Dryads and all who had survived the inferno were faced with a new Imperator. He was human and called himself Anducar. Nobody knew from whence Anducar came. No Dryad and no Dwarf was able to recall how this human had reached Menelgond from the upperworld. All the paths that traversed that void had long been lost or forgotten for centuries. Anducar settled quietly into the fortress of the Ancient People and reigned as an obscure shadow, showing himself to no one. Before long, myths surfaced and grew and began to surround Anducar, his power and his magic. When he extended his court, things began to change and reality entwined itself within the myths.

Anducar's Court

Menelgond belonged to Anducar now. No sooner had he eradicated the Garema than he settled within their halls. The former Imperator Hoxar became a dreaded myrmidon of the new ruler. Anducar founded his court by abducting several Dwarves and Dryads. He subdued them and turned them into servants in order to make his life easier. However, he did not wish to live without the company of his own kind.

Anducar brought more humans from the upperworld into Menelgond by mysterious means. At first, they were confused and did not know what had happened to them, but once they realized that there was no way back from Menelgond into their world they accepted their fate. The men turned into court jesters for Anducar and the women became his mistresses. Anducar had accomplished everything. He had established a reign over Menelgond like no emperor before him. The Dryads and the Dwarves suffered intensely.

It was a harsh and merciless regime. The humans, Dryads and Dwarves had to maintain the halls as if an entire emperor family was residing within. Anducar's demands had to be met at any time. However, Anducar's chambers were frequently deserted. Nobody knew where he was during these periods, but no living being dared to attempt an escape or to revolt as the powerful new ruler might reappear at any time.

Exploration of the Depths of Death

Whenever Anducar disappeared for long periods, he would use this time to explore the Depths of Death. This region was feared among the inhabitants of Menelgond as the souls of the dead were roaming there and it was said that no one who entered would ever return. Anducar, however, discovered these legends to be untrue. Yes, the souls of the dead were indeed bound to this place, but it was also possible for the living to wander the area — and return.

The largest area in the Depths of Death was a rocky desert, where the harsh Winds of Doom blew strong. In this place the illumination was not derived from the light of magic, but instead from the shimmering of the souls. Anducar's path led him through deep canyons and across gloomy mountaintops before he eventually came upon the Abyss of Souls. He gazed into the depths, slowly letting his eyes raise to the summit of a mountain that rose from the chasm. This would be a suitable location for his future stronghold.

From this position he could not only rule over the living in Menelgond, but also over the souls of the dead. Soon he would become powerful enough to overrun the entire upper world. Anducar returned to Menelgond and decided to subjugate the people of Menelgond before undertaking his plans for the Depths of Death.

The Enslavement of the Dwarves

Klom was the leader of the Dwarves and Anducar summoned him. Without a word, Anducar transformed Klom into a Subkari. He called this second Demon Lord 'Fingoniel' and like Ssskrak before him, this demon turned into a loyal follower of his master. In addition to his exceptional powers of magic that allowed him to seize control over any living being's mind, Anducar now had two powerful Subkari by his side.

With their assistance, he began to drive the Dwarves away. There were still many of them left, but they were tiring and becoming resigned to defeat against Anducar's unholy magic. The Dwarves began to submit and the Subkari herded them to the threshold of the Depths of Death. There they were told to remain, as their new master required their services. The handful of humans whom he had brought to Menelgond were no longer required, nor were the Dryads.

Anducar chose the strongest of the humans and transformed him into yet another Subkari. He called him 'Ceriri'. He proceeded to turn all other humans into Mohkva and placed a curse on them, preventing them from ever leaving Menelgond. It would have been in his power to return them to the upper world but he relished the thought of binding the Mohkva to this realm. Finally, he turned his attention to the Dryads.

Times Change in Menelgond

The Dryads had withdrawn into their forests and prepared themselves for a battle. While waiting vigilantly for Anducar's arrival they braced themselves in preparation for the worst. They did not notice the shadow sneaking among them. Anducar had not summoned any creatures; instead he had crept straight into their ranks. He investigated their defensive measures and counted their number, but he did not attack them.

Anducar lurked in the shadows, scanning the forest folk until he found the strongest Dryad warrior. With three Subkari already chosen, now was the time to bring the fourth and last one into this world. Alas! the Dryads noticed the presence of Anducar too late and could only watch in terror as the last of the Demon Lords was created. Ninocaur was the name of this new Subkari. The Dryads regained some composure and were ready to fight, but Anducar and Ninocaur simply vanished before their eyes.

Anducar could have defeated the Dryads with the aid of his Demon Lords, yet he chose to let them live. Perhaps they might be useful to him some time in the future. He summoned creatures of darkness to besiege the Dryads in their forest. Some day Anducar would decide how he would use them. Now the time had come to leave Menelgond — a land cursed with decay.

Into the Abyss

The four Subkari and the Dwarves assembled near the gorge that led into the Depths of Death. Anducar sent them forth into the Depths. Standing alone, he cast one last glance at the land and the firmament made of stone that arched above his head. A smile crossed his face. He had succeeded in destroying the Garema and isolating the Dryads. Anducar was now able to put the work of the Dwarves to good use. This day marked the end of an era in Menelgond. Dryads continued to live there but were permanently threatened by terrifying creatures. The Dwarves had left Menelgond, never to return. Their destiny awaited within the Depths of Death. The ancient races of Garema and Dwarves – both had vanished from the world of Menelgond forever.

Into the Depths of Death

The Dwarves had left Menelgond behind. Their fate awaiting them in the Depths of Death. Anducar led them further and further into the dusty wastelands; his four Demon Lords by his side. Creatures of horror inhabited the Depths of Death, yet none dared approach Anducar or the convoy of Dwarves trailing in his wake.

Frightened but resolute, the Dwarves knew there would be no way back. The further they marched, the less hope they held, and ever more powerful Anducar and his Demon Lords seemed. Anducar addressed the race of the Dwarves, presenting them with a simple task; once that task was complete, they would be granted permission to return to Menelgond. Whilst there were some who doubted his motives, in others the words rekindled lost hope. And so it was that the Dwarves believed the deceitful words of Anducar.

They arrived at the Abyss of Souls. Here was the place that Anducar had chosen for his fortress. There were no plants on the plains before the chasm, nor was there any water available. Anducar quenched hunger and thirst by magical means in order that the Dwarves remained obedient and dependant, if not desperate. Then Anducar stood back and let the slaves of this ancient race begin their arduous task.

Anducar's Stronghold

The Dwarves drudged continuously. As soon as Anducar had satisfied their physical needs, the magic proceeded to burrow into the muscles and vital organs to help the Dwarves endure the strain. Relentlessly, the stalwart folk hacked and chiseled away at the stone within the mountainside. Chipping, gathering and hauling the stones the Dwarves set about building a bridge across the chasm that led up to the summit. Once they arrived there, they began to erect a mighty fortress.

Anducar wanted a fortress both awe-inspiring and fear-inducing, one like no other structure in the world. In his visions, Anducar could clearly see the image of his imposing new home and how it would differ vastly from the small and insignificant buildings of the humans, Garema and Dryads. The Dwarves labored hard, through day and night, pushed on by their master and other unforgiving creatures of Anducar's summoning.

Anducar also ordered the erection of a monumental gate outside the fortress walls. All those who endeavored to enter his stronghold would first have to pass through this gate. Only one method is known to open it: one must insert four glyphs into finely engraved recesses around the gate. In this manner, Anducar sought to ensure he could spend his time eternally undisturbed within his great stronghold. Therefore, for continued secrecy, the glyphs were placed in each of the four corners of the world, and it was Anducar's bidding that the Demon Lords stand guard for all time.

The Subkari

The Subkari were employed as demonic overseers during the construction of the fortress, but their powers were intended primarily for the protection of the glyphs. Anducar created dimension gates and sent the Subkari through these portals, each of them carrying a glyph. They were instructed to remain on the opposing side of the respective dimension gates, and to protect the glyphs with their lives for all eternity. They heeded their master's bidding.

Anyone who dared to reach out for the glyphs would come face to face with the formidable Demon Lords. Anducar was not convinced that the glyphs were securely guarded, and so he created the Nagaya. Anducar sent these so-called Shadow Guards through the dimension gates and placed them under the command of the Subkari. The Nagaya followed their Lords obediently and stood against each and every opponent who dared to confront them.

Now the gate was safe, but Anducar was not entirely satisfied. Even though he could rely on all the creatures within the Depths of Death to guard him, he felt that he needed more devoted protection. His next creation proved to be one of his own most treasured moments — bringing forth his own personal guard from fire and hatred — beings with a dark, burning soul harbored within a hull of metal. Although not as strong as the Demon Lords, they were unconditionally tied to their master. Anducar summoned a great numbers of these creatures, surrounding himself with a sea of fiery, soulless death.

The End of the Dwarves

Once the fortress had been built Anducar moved into his new abode. He had conquered Menelgond and was now the ruler of the Depths of Death. It was time to focus his powers and to attempt an attack against the upperworld. Still, his army was yet too small and his preparations had not been finished. He would not err and begin his offensive too early.

The Dwarves who had worked on the fortress all this time were barely alive. It was only Anducar's magic which kept them alive. Their bodies were exhausted and their souls were weary. They would be no use in battle and as their work on the stronghold was complete Anducar withdrew his magical energy from them. Almost as one, the Dwarves slumped to the ground, and each died where they lay. Their souls were bound to the Depths of Death and only the ruins in their home of Menelgond remained as evidence that they had ever existed.

Anducar had wiped out yet another great nation. First the Garema and now the Dwarves. In doing so, he had laid the foundations to fill the Depths of Death and Menelgond with his own ghastly creations. With this plan there was no hesitation... yet at the same time something dead had awakened that he had not anticipated...

The Haduk and the Nuk-Nuk

The new ruler of the Depths of Deaths surrounded himself with his personal guards. Perversely, he also desired to populate the land of Menelgond again, but with creatures of his own. And so it was that he created the Haduk, stocky and simple-minded beings, and had them slave away in the forests of Menelgond for his own purposes. The Haduk were kept, unwittingly, at Anducar's disposal for the day when he decided to destroy the Dryads once and for all. Finally, Anducar amassed enough forces within the Depths of Death and Menelgond.

However, the Garema who had been purged from the world were not restful. Some had awakened from their mummified slumber and wandered around their old lands and former houses. With their memories gone, all that animated them was an unrelenting hatred for every living thing. Anducar watched with amusement, taking pleasure in the extended plight of the Garema. He tolerated these tiny mummies and did not disturb their dwelling of the ruins.

Magic and Climate of Menelgond

Nobody knows for sure how Menelgond came into existence below the surface, but several legends claim to be the true account of its origin. One tells the story of an evil sorcerer who banished Menelgond below the surface; another claims that Menelgond is the origin of all magic and this magical influence created life and plants within the caverns. One day, however, this magic would be depleted and then Menelgond would fall into eternal darkness and all life within would dwindle to nothing.

As there is no natural sunlight in Menelgond, all life is dependant on magic. Every plant and every creature absorbs the magic that is ubiquitous in Menelgond. Even the water and the rivers flow with magic, which is then absorbed by roots and contributes to growth. Well water fills the rivers and lakes in Menelgond but the water levels are very limited as there is no rain to replenish the springs.

The winds in Menelgond are weak and warm. They result from various regions with differing temperatures: damp rises from the jungle regions and cools the air while heat rises from the gorge leading to the Depths of Death. The winds blow evenly without ever turning into gusts. As there is no way to ascend to the upper world, its climate does not have any influence on Menelgond.

Beyond Melengond

Menelgond is separate from the upperworld where humans and other beings exist. The inhabitants of Menelgond know about the upperworld, but they do not wish to have any dealings with it. A gorge leads into the Depths of Death where Anducar resides within his fortress. Several dimension gates connect the various regions of Menelgond and one of them is known to lead to the home of the pirates.

The Haduk

It was many years ago that the Dwarf race inhabited Menelgond. Their buildings were crafted of stone and were plain and sturdy. Perfection of their stone and gem working skills, and their love of treasures below the surface were all this contented folk strived for. However, these were times long past. The human named Anducar abused the Dwarves and bound them to him. Anducar made them build his fortress down in the Depths of Death. Upon its completion he had little use for the Dwarves and so, without remorse, he destroyed them. While the ghosts of the Dwarves roamed the Depths of Death and Menelgond, their once solid buildings fell into disarray and now lie in ruin.

These aptly named Dwarven Ruins are located near Fungi Hillock deep within a forest beset with dense brushwood and rich vegetation. Meanwhile, the Dwarven Ruins are inhabited once more: the people of the Haduk have settled there. They are an oppressed race, created by Anducar who keeps them as slaves in Menelgond. The Haduk produce weapons and armor for their master's armies, but are too simple-minded to rebel against their master.

The Nuk-Nuk

The Garema are a people who were deceived by Anducar and convinced to revolt against their ruler. Anducar led them into meaningless battles where they obliterated themselves. The end of the Garema was wrought entirely by Anducar, transforming the last of the Garema into one of his Demon Lords. After the sounds of the final battle ceased, the Dryads embalmed the fallen Garema and buried them within the walls of their old city; yet the rest of the dead did not last — such was their untimely and hateful departure from this world that the embalmed Garema rose from the dead.

The undead Garema have forgotten who and what they once were, and now call themselves Nuk-Nuk. The long duration of their deaths has filled them with abject hatred. Despite the stiffness of their limbs and the decay of their eyes, ears and noses, the Nuk-Nuk are agile and dangerous. Signs of ancient cultures surround them, yet their only aim is to annihilate everything alive. A right and just vengeance for the premature ending of their own mortal existence.

Dryads in the Treetops

With the Dwarves eradicated from Menelgond, the Haduk becoming loyal followers of their master, and the Nuk-Nuk isolated, there was one group that still opposed Anducar and his demonic armies. This was the race of the Dryads, and they took a stand against the unwanted evil. They saw through Anducar's deceit and they knew how he had used his magic to instigate conflict between the other inhabitants of Menelgond. Now they were holding out against his influence.

The Dryads live in the treetops, above the ceiling of the world. They built a city within a dense forest using ropes, small wooden bridges and tree-huts and from here they are able to overlook all of Menelgond. This elevated position gives them an advantage in the battles against Anducar's demons. Many years of skirmishing and war have passed, and the usually peaceful Dryads are now exhausted. They hold on to the 'Lost Hope'... a prayer that one day they will be granted the aid they need in their fight against Anducar.

Shaddar's Journey

Shaddar's death was a journey. It carried his soul through portal after portal, into every world, in every age, in every dimension. He not only saw things beyond life, he also witnessed things beyond death. Eternity filled him and he was eternity. Yet it was not his fate to remain there; Shaddar's road had not yet come to an end. He returned, not to the upperworld, but instead to the Depths of Death. Here, Shaddar was finely balanced between life and death.

The Catharsis


The Basement of the Tower

Shaddar's tower, which is located in the upperworld, extends far below into the Depths of Death. Even though Shaddar himself had built the tower, he did not recall how far it extended into the underworld. It was only when he arrived in the Depths of Death after his long journey that he found the basement of his tower standing there. He lifted his eyes and saw the walls extending beyond the stone-crafted dome that arched over the Depths of Death and Shaddar knew that up there stood the rest of his tower — protruding into the upperworld.

Shaddar's Curse

Shaddar is enduring his puny existence within the Depths of Death, forever pursuing the meaning of life. This is his curse: to strive eternally for wisdom and knowledge without ever being able to achieve ultimate understanding. He commits himself to humility while he withdraws further and further from the world without realizing that he will never be omniscient. His journey has given him insight into eternity, but his human senses are too inferior to fathom the meaning of the impressions he has encountered.

The Pirate Isles

Surrounded by dangerous reefs and clouded by eternal fog lies a group of islands in the sea of the upperworld... the Pirate Isles. Demons and undead have taken over the main island. A ship is required in order to reach these isles, a ship with a capable navigator who can avoid the dangerous reefs which are concealed by thick fog. Without an able helmsman a ship will surely run aground over the reefs, and the crew will face a wet and miserable death. An active volcano has shaped the surface of these islands.

Pirate Pigeon Pottypercy

Pigeon Pottypercy is the leader of the pirates. Demons chased him and his men away from Pirate Island and they were forced to take refuge on a neighboring island. However, their new home is crawling with dangerous crabs and the pirates desperately want to return to their island. Unfortunately, they had to abandon their ship and to make matters even worse their helmsman has vanished on Hatchet Crab Island. Amidst these dangers Pottypercy remains a cunning pirate.

Captain Vernon

Captain Vernon is the leader of the zombie pirates. After they conquered the Pirate Island, the undead made their camp on the beach of a bay. They ambush the living and continually attempt to advance upon the island. Captain Vernon had been a feared pirate when he was alive; as an undead, he became even more ruthless.


(Thorwyn's Diary)

Diary (2)

It is horrifying to see how many women are stopping their education to take care of their homes and be in front of the oven again! Speak up and demand your right to be equal fighters. You deserve respect if you do respectful things. Alicia, the Black Warrior.

Life Wisdoms of the Knight Markus Marian


Laws from the time of Aarnum I


Laws from the time of Valorian


Laws from the time of Aarnum III

It is allowed to shoot a bear but it is not allowed to wake a bear from its sleep with the intention to use magic to change its form.

Laws from the time of Aarnum III (2)


Laws from the time of Aarnum III (3)


Laws from the time of Aarnum III (4)


Laws from the time of Aarnum III (5)


Laws from the time of Aarnum III (6)


Laws of the Barony Mascarell

Hunting is forbidden on a Sunday.

Laws of the Barony Mascarell (2)

An old law declares goatee beards as illegal. The only exception is if you have paid a tax to receive the permission and privilege to wear one in public.

Laws of the Barony Mascarell (3)


Laws of the Barony Mascarell (4)


Laws of the Barony Mascarell (5)


Laws of the Barony Mascarell (6)


Laws of the Barony DeMordrey

The participation or organization of duels is strictly prohibited.

Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (2)

If more than eight women live under the same roof, this house is then classed as a brothel and they are not allowed.

Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (3)

If you don't carry at least one gold piece with you, you could be locked up for vagrancy.

Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (4)

All residents must pay taxes for their furniture and their servants.

Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (5)

Arrows and swords may not be used as a currency.

Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (6)

Without the permission of the acting baron in charge, women are not allowed to cut their hair.

Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (7)


Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (8)


Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (9)


Laws of the Barony DeMordrey (10)


Books of Religion

The Creation of the World


The Seraphim Army

The Demon Princes brought chaos into the gods' creation and showed the Wizards of Darkness how to open the Portals of Hell using the blood of innocents, opening the way for the hordes of the demon brood to sweep into the world. The ensuing battles lasted for whole eons and the gods were pushed ever further back, whilst the Worldstone was under threat of being taken by the demons. Then the war goddess Sophia stepped into the fray, sacrificing herself by facing up to Worganar, the mightiest of the Demon Princes, and was slain by him. But as Worganar triumphed in his belief that he now had the Worldstone in his grasp, divine warriors — the Seraphim — arose from the blood of the goddess. Using their divine powers, the Seraphim destroyed Worganar and his followers and drove the demons back into Hell. Then, as peace finally seemed to be returning, the Seraphim were called upon to protect the Worldstone, which they divided into five parts and concealed the parts in the four corners of the world. But, because of their divine power and their superiority in warfare, the Seraphim became arrogant and presumptuous and in their exaggerated self-assurance they forgot to protect the five pieces of the Worldstone — the Element stones, which were found and stolen by power-hungry elves, the Dark Elves...

The Modern Seraphim

The Elves, proudest of the gods' creations, found themselves confronting their power-hungry brothers and sisters of darkness. But the Dark Elves had an advantage; they had taken possession of the five Element stones, which they were now using to decimate the people of the noble ones, spilling their blood and bringing fire and sickness. The gods sent their Seraphim army to put an end to the slaughter. The Priestesses of the matriarchy of the Dark Elves slew the Seraphim in great numbers, so that in the end only a few of the warriors remained. Then salvation came in the form of the Dwarves from Gnarlingen, which would later become known as the Dwarf Fortress of Gnarlstat. These proud warriors cut great swathes through Dark Elves with their broad axes, driving them into retreat. The few surviving Seraphim managed to find and save three of the five Element stones and bring them to safety. But they themselves were defeated and no longer an army, but merely a small band of Guardians of the Light who now turned their thoughts to their divine origins and became ever-more determined to dedicate themselves henceforth to the service of Goodness...

Pagan Magic


Dark Magic

The magic of darkness is characterized by particularly perverse and brutal rituals in which the organs of living or dead victims are an essential ingredient. Fissures are made in the fabric between the different planes of existence in order to release power from the demonic dimensions. The use of this kind of magic is strictly forbidden and is punished by burning at the stake or exile. Notwithstanding these harsh penalties, the numbers of dark brothers and sisters are not inconsiderable. The dark magicians' desire for power extending beyond the world of the living and into the realm of the dead is very strong. The most common practitioners are the Necromancers and the Dark Elf matriarchs.

Introduction to Necromancy


Introduction to Fire Magic


Introduction to Air Magic


Introduction to Water Magic


Introduction to Earth Magic


Persuasion for Beginners


Persuasion for Professionals


Persuasions: Forbidden Sources


Books of Geography

Ancaria's Heart

The core region of the Kingdom of Ancaria used to be orc and dark elven land. After Aarnum I took the fortress of the dark elves the capital of Braverock was founded. Trees of the wood were cut back and the lands were made fertile. The rich villages of Shires Pen, Bravesbury and Hedgenton farmed the fields for corn and distributed it throughout the kingdom. Hedgenton alone had managed to increase the output of their lands through political efficiency which came when it split in two. Orcs and dark elves have not been here in hundreds of years and only lone robbers pose a threat to the common wanderer. More dangerous are the roads of the Thieves Quarter of Braverock, controlled by the Guild of Thieves and the Guild of Murderers and openly revolted by the noble houses, even though in secret they finance these guilds to do their bidding.

Pioneer of the Southern Border


The Old Farmlands of the North

Once a meaningful crop and animal raising region, in the times of Alexors I, that meaning has dropped substantially in the last century. The settlement of Wolfdale in the Barony of DeMordrey and Bravewall, close to the borders of the dark elven fortress of Zhurag-Nar only supplies itself now. While little is known about Wolfdale, after hundreds of years Wolf hunting is still common, while Bravewall seems to become increasingly more military, even though they are in a mountain bottleneck region and more susceptible to dark elf attacks.

The Dark Regions


The Matriarchy of Depths

And Corimbald the Wise reported that... those who the folk in those days only dared to refer to in whispers — known as the Angels of Death — brought terror and death to the villages, the meadows and the houses. Even those among the small folk, the occupants of Gnarlstat, who escaped the massacre and wandered westwards feared their poison and their deadly blades. Deep in the halls of Zhurag-Nar, the Princesses of the Dark Elves are meeting and laying their murderous, wanton plans. They seldom take slaves and it is widely known that the bones of Orcs and Goblins are found just as often as those of men, women and children, whether of lowly farming stock or from aristocratic families. A human child from the far-away Highmarsh, where the men grub about in the dirt to find combustible materials, escaped the dark cave and spoke about the power of the women who practice dark witchcraft there and how those who swarm against our brave soldiers on the battle field with fluttering flags are just like the drones of a bee state. They are born — or rather laid — to murder, pillage, kill! Woe to you, O Ancaria!

Blades of Mascarell


Wood and Timber from the North

Crow's Rock Castle, established under Morgast I, forms the dark heart of the Barony of DeMordrey. The hardest and most merciless soldiers of the realm are trained in the barony, whilst the localities of Wolfdale, Bellevue and Timberton are relatively weak in comparison. Slater's Grave lies to the north of the realm, and this region is more well known for its building trade than for its military abilities. Timberton is the homeland of the wood cutters, who received instructions from Vladimir DeMordrey to carry out more of their work closer to the woods of Tyr-Hadar.

The protection of the population is not easily policed due to the encroachments of DeMordreyan soldiers. These encroachments are not nationally outlawed since the house of DeMordrey enjoys near-autonomous rights granted through the marriage of the Valorians with Moridya. However, it is whispered that the Crown of Aarnum X. tacitly grants a general pardon for adventurers and Seraphim alike, who are believed to be responsible for preventing the more menacing and threatening encroachments against the population.

Harsh Winds and Calm Lands

Under Aarnum I and his successors, the Orcs were driven out of the region of the present Kingdom towards the south. They are now housed in the protected settlements of Khorad-Nur and Normad-Nur and in the small towns of Kashari and Aish-Jadar. The Orc's cattle breeding ability is distinctly lacking, but in the few oases of the desert there is another commodity that purchases their survival when they meet the hordes and which they also sell to the rich and beautiful for gold and precious stones: cocoa. The smuggling of this product is forbidden in the Kingdom. And so in the oasis of Ahil-Tar and in Prince Valor's border fortress of Urkenburgh (formerly Orcenburh, also known as Uruk-Nar), the imperial troops have taken over an old stronghold from the time of Alexor I, not only for defense against the Orcs and Ogres, but also against smugglers and greedy settlers intent on trying their luck here. According to rumors, the far southeast is said to stretch far beyond the Orc region and to be bordered by the icy plateaus where only the most hideous monsters live. Nevertheless, it is said that the Orcs have driven tunnels into the mountain ranges that separate the Dragon lands from the desert and are building underground fortresses.

About Elves and Dragons


At Icecreek Dale

Hear me, O ye gods, and accept my thanks!

It was in the days of my own springtime that I first came to this place and saw her — Sophia, a Seraphim of the greatest beauty and purity. And with her radiance, she swept a band of scab-ridden Orcs out of her way. But the Orcs had erected a shield wall to protect the evil brood, and so they returned to fall upon the beautiful radiant Sophia again, intending to spill her blood in the cold snow. Sophia fell, but before the mob could violate her, I knocked the disgusting grimaces off their faces with my war club. Enchanted by her beauty, I summoned up my healing powers and brought Sophia back to life. By that icy stream, we built a fortress, a bastion of goodness towering over the icy valley and Sophia became High Priestess and Queen of the Seraphim. In this place, we preserve the knowledge and the wisdom of the ancient ones and offer sanctuary to the remaining Seraphim. Only very few Seraphim are born nowadays and even Sophia has not given birth to a blessed girl, but only to a boy — my son... Aarnum!

Stradalus, the abbott of the fortress Monastery at Icecreek Dale

The Orcs


The Shadowzone

When Morgast, younger son of Aarnum, fought at a young age against the Orcs to the south he left Orcish males, females and children impaled on ragged stakes. This was until a blade stabbed through the back of the prince, plunged by one of his own men to put an end to further relentless screaming of more Orcs in pain. Some fools dared to head to the moors of the Dark Elven realm who destroyed Gnarlstat. Those that escaped the poisoned arrows of the Dark Elves reported of further Orc camps. It seems as though this dark and wet land is the origin of the Orcs. Or did the Orcs come from further east? Through dark forests and mountain chains, unknown to the powerful and wise men of Ancaria? Will it be possible to walk these lands one day? Who knows?

The Artists of the West


Books of Recipes

Grilled Quail Out of Braverock


Fried Bread of Alkazaba noc Draco


DeMordreyan Mutton


Bravesbury Steamed Spinach


Fried Icecreek Dale Salmon in Wine Sauce


Mascarellian Cabbage Stew

Pare and slice the apples and place them in a pot. Add equal parts of wine and water until the apples are just about covered. For every two apples add a perhaps a half small spoon of cinnamon or a stick of cinnamon, or more depending on your taste. For every two apples add two or three whole cloves, or more if you like cloves. Simmer the apples for an hour or so, then add around one third of a cup of sugar for every two apples, adjusted to your own taste. Give the apples a quick stir to break them up a bit. Let them simmer until you are ready to eat them, but at least until they break up into an apple sauce like texture, perhaps with a few unbroken chunks. Just before serving, add one table spoon of butter for every two apples and stir until melted and blended. Serve warm, but it's good cold the next day.

Elven Slices of Tyr-Hadar


Moorbrook Pepper Sauce for Calf or Game Animals


Books of Enemies





Cave Beings


Animals of the Woods

The fauna of Ancaria is defined by the animals of the woods. Along with the countless deer and stags, reserved as prey for the Nobles and Hunters, different specimens of bear and wild boar call these lands their home. The animals are, like most types of wolf, less aggressive than folk lore would have one believe. Dangerous and aggressive are the Wargh wolves though, whose origins are from the Dark Elves of Mhurag-Nar.


The origins of the Goblinoids, the Orcs and the Ogres are not known. There is speculation that they might be offshoots of a previous mixing of human and dwarf tribes. The Ogres are a variant that arose out of the breeding of warriors among the slave Orcs of Mhurag-Nar during their enslavement at the hands of the Dark Elves' empire.

Similarities in the word Nar, used by the Dark Elves, and the Orc word Nur, both used to denote a fortress, appear to stem from this era of slavery.

The heritage of the Goblins seems to be even older still. These creatures are not really evil, being rather of a chaotic nature. One could speculate whether the later Orcs developed from an aggressive Goblin breed that evolved bellicose characteristics while living in harsh regions that were hostile to life.

Harpies and Gargoyles

Harpies and Gargoyles (also called water-spewers) originate from the time of the Wars of the Gods, when the Demons fell into the world of mortals.

Harpies are creatures of demonic origin and are the offspring of Demons who paired with Elven women they had ensorcelled with their spells.

The Gargoyles guard the palaces of the Dark Elves. The Dark Elf magicians animated the stone water-spewers and breathed demonic life into them by planting the souls of weakened Demons into the first Gargoyles.

After the Wars of the Gods, whose end was brought on by the sacrifice of Sophia, both forms of creature sought out places for themselves in the world and now are only occasionally to be found near deserted buildings and ruins.



Rotting Flesh


Automaton of Death


The Restless


The Undead

Mummified undead plagued the graveyards in the time of Aarnum I. Since this practice has been little used over the last few centuries, these unholy beings are now found only seldom.

Often coming from rich households, these creatures are damned individuals who had the most horrible of curses laid upon them at death, to make them haunt the living.

Little is known about them, but Shaddar, the great necromancer from Mystdale Castle asserts that those clumsy, stalking mummies resulting from experimental necromancy are ridiculous parodies of the mummies from a real master who is able to endue them with the power and skills of warriors and magicians of heroic strength.

Higher Energy Being


Armored Louse






Glorb Hunter


Lashing Terror


Armored Louse


Insect Larva


Titanic Fly


Mire Worm




Carnivorous Flower


Skull Ripper


Wreathed Choker




Dryads: Druids


Dryad: Amazons

(This entry is bugged, it doesn't show)

Dryad: Will o' the Wisps


Dryad: Stygian Elder


Hatchet Crab


Dwarf: Skeletons


Dwarf: Ghost


Bolting Terror


Blooded Terror



Frazzlers feature extremely long arms. When they are running they will dig their claws into the ground to gain additional speed. Therefore, hardly anyone is able to escape them. In close combat they will either use their claws or blunt two-hand weapons. Frazzlers exist in various sizes; all of them are equally dangerous.

Shadow Guard




Hell Golem


Demon Lords

Ssskrak, Fingoniel, Ceriri and Ninocaur are the names of the four Demon Lords. Each of them controls one region of Menelgond. The Demon Lords are large, human-like creatures with a scaly skin and horns protruding from their heads. They are also known as the Subkari and their cruelty is notorious — an opponent never dies swiftly.

Anducar's Guard

A fire that is blazing inside of them drives Anducar's personal guard. They are of human shape and their inner fire is extremely obvious at the head as it flares above their glowing eyes. They are able to wield any type of weapon, making them feared opponents to any race.

Anducar (human form)

Anducar generally adopts a human form, but that is just one of many shapes he is able to take. He gives the impression of being small and insignificant as a human but this is merely a disguise to hide his true strength. His face is hidden by a cowl and only his eyes glow in the blackness. The magic within him is extremely powerful and he is able to wield deadly spells in his human form.

Anducar (demon form)


Chthonian Minotaur
