Sacred:Charged Bolts

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Revision as of 13:42, 6 April 2008 by Gogoblender (talk | contribs)
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The Energy Daemon hurls several Charged Bolts forward in a spreading pattern. The higher the Combat Art level, the greater the number of bolts. The bolts are pure magic and scale very quickly upwards in damage with up to 13 bolts being able to be cast at once. When this Combat Art is used and depending on the level of the CA, if the cursor is placed upon an enemy, the bolts will fire in a wedge shape towards the target. If the cursor is placed upon the Daemon when activating the CA, the bolts will fire outwards from her in a circular spread. The bolts look like white spheres of crackling energy that make a loud whining nouse.


Usage Strategies

Pros and Cons

