Sacred 2:Ancient Bark
SkillsThe following skills will affect this combat art: Raising Nature Weaver Lore will improve the hit point regeneration effect provided by Ancient Bark. The amount of healing increases greatly if the character spends a large amount of points on Nature Weaver Lore combined with the Invigorate gold modification, to the point where it can dwarf the healing provided by Constitution Mastery, depending on how ability score points have been spent. Raising Nature Weaver Lore also greatly improves the physical and poison resistances provided by Ancient Bark. Usage StrategiesThe Rugged bronze modification enhances armor values significantly. Combined with healing from Ancient Bark and other sources, the Dryad can absorb significant amounts of punishment. Depending on the build of the character, the Divert (reflect melee) silver modification can be extremely powerful as game difficulty increases. Not only does it negate a large percentage of incoming melee damage, in harder difficulties the reflect melee effect will reflect thousands of damage per incoming attack. Any character that is frequently in melee range will benefit greatly from this effect. Pros and ConsPros
Cons Stats ChartNote: HP Regen values are based on the gold modification thus +3/level. Without the modification they work out to +3 per 2 levels. A few of the values of Reflect melee post level 10 are approximated, I only had +even values for the CA and thus split the difference between levels. Note: Values in Evasion are separated by a slash to distinguish between the +evasion in Σ and the evasion listed under your left-click attack. The first value is Σ and the second is the actual in game value when no evasion gear is equipped.