Sacred 2:Tending to the Poor
Quick Walkthrough
Detailed Walkthrough
Given the DeElfici name is synonymous with the likes of Al Capone on Ancaria, it's not too shocking to find at least some good coming from the family tree. Even Al Capone did some charitable works in his day.
Viola wants you to travel around the desert and spread some of the family wealth to the 5 poorest in the region.
Fortunately, unlike the previous mission Delivery, this one isn't timed. You have 5 stops to make and deliver 200 gold to each of the NPCs. The other bit of good luck, there aren't any persistent bandits out to rob you blind. Make your way to each of the quest compass locations and make a delivery.
When you've finished off all 5 deliveries, return to Viola who will thank you for your efforts with Experience Points.
Logbook Entry
- This quest - and its prerequisite, Delivery - may only appear for the High Elf character.
- This quest is only available in the Singleplayer Campaign.
- If you don't have the Community Patch installed, this quest would appear on the regular Desert region page in the logbook. If you do, it would appear together with the blue chain quests on the Character Specific Quests page.
- The quest log for this mission is somewhat confusing. It reads "TyBosso was happy, too." Er.. But he's like quite deceased at this point in the game.