The marshland is the home of the Lizardmen, who are mutations of humans that became isolated from the rest of the world long ago. They are a very primitive people, living communally in the few structures that can be built on the soft marshy ground.
Cult of the Nameless
There is also a cult called The Unnamed here, who use the undead to obtain a sort of immortality for themselves. The undead spawn in areas where there are T-Energy leaks, and the undead carry a small amount of that magical energy inside of them. The leaders of the Unnamed have devised a ritual that allows them to feed off that magic to stay immortal themselves. As long as the undead keep spawning, the Unnamed will have enough “food” to keep them alive. This puts them in natural opposition to the regular Lizardmen, who are memorializing the undead and therefore removing them from the “food chain.”
Lizardmen Banners