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Thorwyn is a character mentioned in one of the Books, the book is called Diary and says the following:

We lost Thorwyn about a week ago. He was so eager to head for the troops of Prince Morgast that he left without us. He now rests at the foot of a tree, planted in his memory. May he find his peace. The grave inscription should help the poor dwarf settle. He always wanted: 'Thorwyn is no dwarf!'

Thorwyn's Tomb

You can visit Thorwyn's Tomb, it's placed between Hedgenton and Drakenden. You have to enter the cave system that connects both regions, halfway there is a clearing with a grave near a tree. If you interact with the grave, it you will drop the Thorwyn's Club.

Thorwyn's Epitaph

Although the Diary mentions that Thorwyn's wanted a specific epitaph, he didn't get what he wanted.

  • In German: "And Thorwyn said: 'While you hesitate, I am already moving forward!'".
  • In English: "Here lies Crackseed after making fun of a certain Admin".
  • In Spanish and Russian: "For our fathers".


There are other items that references Thorwyn:

Thorwyn's name is a reference to the dwarf Thorin from The Hobbit.