Sacred 2:Stamina

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Decreases the general regeneration time of combat arts.

Average Combat Art Regeneration Time XXX.X%

To learn how a character's natural Stamina is calculated and see how the different characters compare, see this page: How is a character's natural Stamina calculated?

RegenerationTime/PenaltyFromBuffs modifier depends on Stamina attribute. Its value never exceeds 1:

Stamina Modifier
25 1
75 0.75
125 0.5
225 0.33
325 0.25
425 0.2
725 0.125
925 0.1

Studying this sequence we can determine that in order to halve the regeneration time a character should have 125 Stamina points (+99-100 to starting value). Then, to halve the regeneration time again a character needs 325 points (+200 to previous value), the next time it would be 725 points (+400), the next time - 1525 (+800) and so on. This sequence means that every next point invested in Stamina has less effect on regeneration time than the previous one. Though the same can be said about all the attributes.

Buffs use following modifier to descrease their penalty:

Stamina Modifier
25 1
75 0.75
125 0.5
225 0.33
325 0.25
425 0.2
725 0.125
925 0.1

For example, you have a total penalty from buffs of 100%, and a regeneration time of the CA is 3 seconds:

The final regeneration time for the CA = 3 * ( 1 + 1 ) = 6 seconds;

And now let's increase stamina to set modifier in 2 times lower than before: there were 125 points in stamina (modifier 0.5) - will be 325 points (modifier 0.25). Will be the final total regeneration time in 2 times less?

The regeneration time for the CA = 3 * 0,5 * ( 1 + 1 * 0,5 ) = 1,5 * 1,5 = 2,25
6 / 2.25= 2.67
This is almost three times less, not two!

This suggests that the more buffs character uses (and a greater penalty from buffs they give), the more value of each point in stamina.

See Also