Sacred 2:Shout

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Revision as of 19:59, 13 November 2016 by Flix (talk | contribs) (added video)
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icon13.gif NOTE: The contents of this page are exclusive content found only by installing the player-made mega-mod Diablo 2 Fallen.

Shout.png Barbarian warriors are born to command in battle. When a warrior learns this skill he can raise his voice above the din of combat to shout warnings of impending blows to his comrades in arms. This will alert them in time to allow them to guard against the incoming attack.


War_cries.png - War Cries

Innate Abilities (Lvl 1)


See also: Sacred 2:Combat Art Modifications
MODicons_12.gif Bronze
  • Readiness - Boosts the defense rating even more (12.5% + 7.5% per level).
  • Persistence - Increases the duration of Shout by 10 seconds.

MODicons_10.gif Silver
  • Bellow - Also boosts attack rating (12.5% + 5% per level).
  • Surge - The regeneration time of all combat arts is reduced when Shout is active (5% + 0.5% per level).

MODicons_08.gif Gold
  • Bandage - Heals the Barbarian when casting Shout (10hp + 20hp per level).
  • Persevere - Reduces the cooldown of Shout by 25%.

Skills and Attributes

The following skills will affect this combat art:

The following attributes will affect this combat art:

  • Stamina will lower regeneration time

Usage Strategies

  • If the mods Persistence and Persevere are taken, the duration will catch up to the cooldown around combat art level 100, at which point the Barbarian can have Shout up constantly.

Pros and Cons


  • Useful buff that can also apply to party members and allies


  • Causes no damage
