Sacred 2:Hafted Weapons

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haftedweapons.gif Hafted Weapons

Improves wielding hafted weapons by increasing the chance to hit, as well as Attack Speed. Grants the ability to use higher-level weapons successfully.

Skill level 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 74 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 155 170 185 200
Attack Value: 9 41 71 96 118 137 153 168 173 180 195 221 243 264 282 298 313 332 349 364 377
Attack Speed, +%: 1,9 8,3 14,3 19,2 23,7 27,3 30,7 33,5 34,7 36 39 44,2 48,7 52,7 56,4 59,5 62,5 66,5 69,9 72,9 75,5
Double Hit, +%: - - - - - - - - - 23 24,5 27,1 29,3 31,4 33,2 34,8 36,3 38,2 39,9 41,4 42,7



  • Grants a chance to execute a special attack animation that inflicts one additional hit (2 instead of 1).
  • Works only for basic melee attacks, not Combat Arts.
  • NOTE: The special attack chance functions and increases from level 1, it just becomes visible and receives a big boost once the skill is mastered.


  • This skill will unlock weapon attributes that require Hafted Weapons skill (like "Attack speed" (Hafted Weapons)).
  • The bonuses from this skill are replaced by the similar ones from Dual Wield, if you have both skills. This is only the case if you actually equip two weapons.
  • "Item Level Without Penalty" reduces the speed penalties for equipping high-level weapons, it doesn't allow equipping weapons above certain threshold (which depends on character level - see Items/Usable Item Levels)


  • Item level without penalty is increased by one for every two skill points spent, starting at character level value. It is capped at 250.

The Attack Value bonus at a given skill level x is given fairly precisely by the following formulas:

  • 400*(x+1.5)/(x+100) Pre-Mastery
  • 600*(x-32.5)/(x+66) Mastery

The Attack Speed bonus at a given skill level x is given fairly precisely by the following formulas:

  • 80*(x+1.5)/(x+100) Pre-Mastery
  • 120*(x-32.5)/(x+66) Mastery

The bold marked numbers are the smallest upper bounds of this progression, which will never at any skill level be exceeded.

As an example, attack value at x=75: 75 is the first mastery level, so we take the mastery formula and we have

600*(75-32.5)/(75+66) = 600*42.5/141 = 180.85

This value compared with the table value is a good example of the precision the formulas offer.


Hafted weapons consist of:

The Attribute that modifies the damage of all Hafted Weapons is Strength.

Modifiers unlocked

See Also