Sacred 2:Evil Mage

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This mage wants to... Of course he wants to rule the world or at least the area! What else can an Evil Mage want. And recently he found quite an easy way to do it. Anrajos, the High Priest of the Noriath Temple grew tired of being a servant of the Gods and preferred to become a cult leader. He formed a cult in his Temple. Since he didn't need any of the holy artifacts that were in the Temple, he wanted to barter them for some gold. So the Evil Mage in question purchased a Goblet of Light which seemed to be quite powerful. He started to transfer the artifact's energy to himself and was sure that he'd be powerful soon. He didn't know that the humble priest called Aleya still wants to return the Light to the Noriath Temple...



  • Evil Mage is involved in the Impure Hands quest. Completion of the Purification of the Temple is required before this quest can be accessed. Both these quests are available only to the Light characters.

An Enemy

  • During the completion of the Impure Hands quest you'd have to fight the Evil Mage. That's the enemy he would become.

Damage Types:

None ?

Weakest Against:

Quest:Impure Hands

Quest Location: Noriath Temple in Tyr Lysia

  • He is also accompanied by two Magicians, who are probably his assistants. They would attack you together with the Evil Mage. Here's their description as enemies.

Damage Types:

Weakest Against:

Quest:Impure Hands

Quest Location: Noriath Temple in Tyr Lysia


  • He appears only after you accept the quest he is involved in.