Heals the Dryad over a brief period of time.
- Nature Weaver
Innate Abilities (Lvl 1)
- Cooldown + Regeneration Time: 9.9s + 1.5s = 11.4s
- Duration: 8.0s
- Hitpoint Regeneration: +30.0/s
- See also: Sacred 2:Combat Art Modifications
- Flow - Increases hitpoint regeneration rate. (7hp/s + 15hp/s per CA level)
- Bandage - Rapid heal when casting the spell. (5% + 10% per CA level healed (?))
- Amity - Lightly heals nearby allies. (30% + 0.2% per CA level effectiveness on allies)
- Persevere - Increases the attribute Willpower. (7.5 + 10 per CA level increase (?))
- Amity - Lightly heals nearby allies. (30% + 0.2% per CA level effectiveness on allies)
- Diligence - Increases duration of Goldenglade Touch. (50% increase)
Skills and Attributes
The following skills and attributes will affect this combat art:
Usage Strategies
- Acute Mind will reduce the Regeneration Time (does not effect Cooldown Time).
- Flow (bronze modification) grants extreme life regeneration at even modest levels of Goldenglade Touch and Lore.
- This Combat Art can be kept up nearly all the time with the Diligence gold modification.
- Persevere silver mod gives a nice boost to willpower, which dryads are very low on.
- Great Combat Art when trying to rush from one place to another without stopping to kill monsters.
Pros and Cons
- Gives very high boost to hitpoint regeneration and can heal the dryad back to full health within a couple of seconds.
- With the Persevere silver mod, this becomes almost like an invincibility spell against bosses and spellcasters.
- Has a cooldown which cannot really be affected
- Slight delay from when the dryad casts the spell to when the spell effects start working. (Barely noticeable).
Stats Chart