Sacred 2:Gruesome Inquisition

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Introduction: The Gruesome Inquisitor

The Inquisitor is an excellent melee fighter. He is not defensive; instead, he prefers to attack relentlessly with no regard for his own protection. He knows very well that his best defense lies in preventing a second blow from his opponents. The Inquisitor uses his privileges and an extremely high degree of sadism as only these former clergymen do. He disposes of his opponents by various cruel means such as shackling them to a pillory or even executing them.

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Callous Execution

Icon_211.png Powerful blow or stab that will inflict heavy damage on an opponent.

Ruthless Mutilation

Icon_213.png A strike that will damage and slow down all opponents within a half-circle in front of the Inquisitor.

Mortifying Pillory

Icon_215.png The target opponent is condemned as outlaw, granting former allies a chance to turn against the target. Additionally, portions of weapon damage will be converted into poison damage.

Frenetic Fervor

Icon_221.png Increases attack speed and maximum attack value for a brief period of time.

Purifying Chastisement (Buff)

Icon_223.png Channels physical pain into offensive damage. The more the Inquisitor is wounded by opponents, the greater the damage he wields, up to a maximum threshold.

See Also