Sacred 2:Dragon Mage

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Can choose Light or Shadow path

The Story

The Dragon Mage is part of a cloak-and-dagger dragon cult from a remote part of the world. The members of this cult are not only respected but also accepted by dragons and live together with them in a community. Only a chosen few are granted the honour of being instructed by the dragons for training in the ancient dragon magic. A magic that comes from a dimension beyond this world. This energy can take on the powerful T-Energy, which is the source of all life and all magic on Ancaria.

Only the most powerful who complete this training are capable of assuming the form of a dragon and of using the concentrated power of dragon magic. Only they have the privilege of being allowed to carry the title “Dragon Mage”.

Dragon Mage Starting Attributes

Base starting attributes level 1, silver difficulty, no survival bonus, naked.

Strength Stamina Vitality Dexterity Intelligence Willpower Hitpoints
23 26 24 21 29 27 ???

Aspects and Combat Arts

Dragon Magic

berserk.png Dragon Berserk - Turn into a "dragon berserk", attack extend the transformation time. Can't talk to NPCs or use merchants/smiths/runemasters while in this form. Gives +% attack.

dragonform.png Dragon Form - Turn into a dragon, can cast certain fire spells & gains a % armour & a % attack/defence bonus.

DragonStrike.png Dragon Strike - Calls a dragon for aerial attacks (dragon flies over & casts a massive fireball doing AoE DoT fire damage.

EternalFire.png Eternal Fire - Ignites an enemy & easily jumps over to nearby enemies (like VD, but does fire DoT).

Familiar.png Familiar (buff) - The mage summons a small dragon familiar which increases his stats (increases Int, HP & Willpower).

Elemental Magic

Destroy.png Destroyer - Summons stone spirits that attack nearby enemies & explode (summons ~4 minions that run to a random monster & explode doing damage).

gustofwind.pngGust of Wind - A strong gust of wind can damage, stun or knock back enemies.

MagicBarrier.png Magic Barrier - Summons a protective barrier of earth and stone.

Protector.png Protector (buff) - Calls an earth elemental protector.

Tornado.png Tornado - Unleashes a small tornado that moves towards the enemies.


CombatTrance.png Combat Trance - Combat Trance reduces the caster's combat art cooldown and protects him from effect damage and stuns.

EnergyBlaze.pngEnergy Blaze (starting CA) - Magic energy damages and burns enemies in the area of effect.

Maelstrom.png Maelstrom - Enemies are slowed and weakened in the area of effect, missiles are slowed (casts a massive dome over the targetted area).

MindStrike.png Mind Strike - A mental blow that deals more damage to armoured targets and slows the regeneration fo their combat arts.

Runesofprotection.png Runes of Protection (buff) - A magic armour that offers protection from melee attacks and spells (+physical armour, Block Chance: Combat Arts & chance to stun the target).