Sacred 2:Frenzied Rampage

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06.gif This attack consists of a quick succession of strikes directed at one or more targets. Further developments of this combat art include an increased number of strikes or better aim of the hits.

This is a Weapon Damage Based Combat Art.


SW_Asp_02.png - Malevolent Champion

Innate Abilities (Lvl 1) Physical.png


See also: Sacred 2:Combat Art Modifications
MODicons_12.gif Bronze

MODicons_10.gif Silver
  • Double Strike - Increases the chance of double attack. (20% chance for double hit)
  • Intent - Chance to land critical hits. (9.9% + 0.1% per CA level chance)

MODicons_08.gif Gold
  • Envenom - Adds poison damage to Frenzied Rampage. (2.8% + 1.4% per CA level)
  • Vampire - Chance for the Shadow Warrior to leech from the target and add them to his own hitpoints. (2 + 1 per CA level) - This works exactly the same as Life Leeched per Hit +X and is modified by Tactics Lore, but not by +% Damage.
Frenzied Rampage without Modifications

Skills and Attributes

The following skills will affect this combat art:

The following attributes will affect this combat art:

Usage Strategies

  • Is particularly effective while dual wielding
  • Using 'Regen per Hit' item modifier, and 'Chance to Double Hit' from Combat Art enhancements will allow the player to increase Combat Art level significantly without suffering from a high regeneration time.
  • While using 2-handed energy weapons, will shoot 3 times. When used in a combo, eg with Scything Sweep, has chance to fire 6 times (higher chance at higher character level).

Pros and Cons


  • Target range is further out than similar melee Combat Arts such as Demonic Blow and Scything Sweep
  • Works with 2-handed energy weapons.


  • Slow execution speed while mounted on Hellhound

Stats Chart

See Also
